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About Me

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mp3 music code from tasty mp3BIOGRAPHY FOR D.I.P. This Biography is Publicated in a Albanian Newspapper in Interview with D.I.P. Born and raised in Pogradec city, D.I.P. has become one of the best in the world of rap in Albania, and through the internet,is able to have his songs heard by many others who live outside. His hit song with Young J - Dhurata made him famous around the world, although no video was produced, the song was such a big hit that for a second time he decided that he would do Dhurata 2 with his long time friend MC-J. D.I.P. is a phenomenom sensational artist. Although rapping is a big part of his life, he also goes to school in Elbasan to become a Journalist. D.I.P. is also D.M.K's manager,as well as his best friend. D.I.P.'s currently working on more new hit songs most of them which have to do with his life, and where he is now. However, there are some, that as always--- are just songs for the making of it. He currently finished another song called D.I.P. feat MC-J - Hey Bitch Konviktore, where they talk about an ex girlfriend taping an "intimite" get- together,and posting the video on the internet, as well as cheating, and deceiving. However, that's not the last song D.I.P. has done with MC-J.. one of his other songs VETEM LUNA, was also a huge hit, wich is a mix with MCJ and DON OMAR. VETEM LUNA talks about being true to your girl, and what you'd do to her, also at the end, mentioning that at the end of the day it's just her and nobody but her. D.I.P. is also a member of Bloody Gangstaz Family (B.G.F.) and their hit song Ben Nder, Gjen Qeder, talks about the unfaithfulness of friends.D.I.P. continues his hard work, and is currently working on new songs with ADA, MC-J, & DMK, and many other artists to come. D.I.P. is also working on Feat songs with English recording artists such as O Gizzle & Marcus May and much more, and expects to have a couple of mix tracks English and Albanian. It is not an exxageration to say that D.I.P. is one of the best in rap, hip hop, and r& b, in Albania.TE DUA SIC JE D.I.P. feat GENI NJ & VJOLA [SHKURT, 2008---ELBASAN, ALBANIA] Layout by: Myspace Layouts Creator

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Member Since: 09/02/2008
Band Website: www.myspace.com/dipdevilinparadise
Record Label: Unsigned

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