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[ENG] Hello! i've make this myspace profile so i can to know new friends with my same hobby and for be able to share with others, for let know my handmade jewels. i made and sell, it'a pleasure for me to make you happy with my creations! I like to create and sell bijoux Hello Kitty and beyond, always informed about new subjects, also created at the request, but before you make a trip in my shop! ince child irritated me see another girl my same clothes, accessories, clips, i wanted to be .. the ONLY! And it's on the basis of this that I create each pair of earrings different from any other, because I really like the only copies. Being able to know that nobody besides me has something EQUAL.Together this fantasy, creativity , colors, pearls from all over the world (and I assure you that it really withdrawal from around the world) and components for jewellery. I like to customize it with various materials. I love the Swarovski of any form, charms,strawberry,lollipops,hearts,stars,glitter charms and much more!! see my albums!no limits to my fantsy :)Be a Princess with my bijoux!
Girly Comments & Graphics