Born and raised in Laguna Beach. Surfing, skating, drawing, painting, skimming, photography, playing music, collecting music, traveling, partying, living, laughing, learning... I've been very fortunate growing up on the beach and learning to appreciate the beauty of nature and the outdoors. I have so many good friends and cool people I've met over the years living here. Laguna's like a hub and a mecca for the surf culture. I designed T shirts for a few surf companies with my friends and then after a surf trip to Pavones(big turkeys) Costa Rica, we decided to start our own line... Turkey or TRKY! TRKY clothing is all art driven T shirts and hats that "flips off" the seriousness of todays surf/skate/ snow fashion with an inverted middle finger! We are the core of the surf/skate/art/rockstar culture thats laughs at everybody that looks at themselves in the mirror too long and are too uptight to "let things flow" and have a good time!
So anyways, I love Music and Art! Unfortunately I had Kidney failure and was on dialysis for 9 months in Nov of 2003. But by the grace of God I was blessed with the donor named Tiana Bryant who donated one of her kidneys to me in August of 2004. She's my guardian angel who gave me my life back. A reggae band by the name of "Midnite" from St. Croix V.I. was my inspiration through those difficult times and remain one of my favorite bands to listen to. I collect alot of reggae but enjoy all types of music. I guess I'm on "myspace" to stay in touch with my close and distant friends and meet other cool people with similar interests.