My Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ...traveling the world, missions, snowboarding, sucba diving, reading books, movies, hangin' out with college! :)
Hmmm...there are so many...
Basically anything, and everything...right now, i'm really liking Leeland, Starfield, Eisley, Danny Donnelly, Brenton Brown, Sigur Ros, Sufjan Stevens, U2...ummmm...yeah...
Some of my favorites...Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, Borne Identity, Shrek, Hero, and then some of the classics such as The Swiss Family Robinson, The Quiet Man, The Princess Bride,...
Don't have it...but I've really enjoyed watching The Amazing's been a lot of fun...other than that...don't really know.
The Bible, The Making of a Man of God (Alan Redpath), A Shephard Looks at Psalm 23 (W. Phillip Keller), Disciplines of a Godly Man (Kent Hughes), The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbitt (JRR Tolkien)...
Heroes...hmmmm...i'd have to say Han Solo...he's got to be the coolest hero!