Jendayi profile picture


About Me

Hi there! My name is Robert, a fun loving guy from the Netherlands. I try to life a spiritual and metaphysical life in this fantastic world of wonders and special people. In my free time i like to make music, read, meet with friends, draw mandala's and sacred geometry. I partly grew up in Africa and i love to travel and try new experiences. Believing we all co-create our own reality, and in my own life i see the proof of that growing day by day, i try to apply "the law of attraction" and help others to achieve the same. One person at the time. ;-) We are all destined to have an amazing life in this wondrous reality and I'm just one of those people to help you remember that.. Spreading love and touching you.I have been making music for over 10 years now and after a break of 4 years i am ready to introduce my music once again! All my music has been made with a musical scale of A=432 Hz instead of the A=440 Hz based scale which was introduced in 1939 By the International Standardizing Congress without consulting any musician at the time.. Nowadays it has been proven that a musical scale based on A=432 Hz is more beneficial to the mind, body and soul and even has remarkable healing qualities... (see for more information on the A=432 Hz scale and it's ramifications)

My Interests


Member Since: 09/02/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Jendayi
Influences: Jamiroquai, native and eastern sounds.. gematrian sounds and musical scales.. (geomusic) esoteric traditions and sound sciences.. Sacred Geometry
Sounds Like: Different every time..
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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