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*pretty much anything which is on my ipod*
*i 60s music*
*like many different bands, here are some of them, just ask if you want to know more:
* I love Johnny Depp films...if you've only ever seen the more mainstream films he's been in you should watch Ed Wood, The Brave and some of the other older ones... well worth it!
*i'm not the greatest fan of horror films, but that doesn't stop me watching them*
*i used to read loads, but i don't know why i don't any more. imagination is under-appreciated. if you've been blessed with an active one use it creatively =D
*johnny depp. i don't care if you think that's lame. he's an inspiration to so many people and he's worked so hard to get where he is now*
*my family*
*people who have had an effect on my life, whether negative or positive - everything happens for a reason*