:\kiNg j03/: profile picture

:\kiNg j03/:

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

whA's uP biTCHeS?!?....wh0's reADy t0 PartY????....l0l...bUt seRi0uSly...wh0 iS??....hA HA...weLl, whAT do yA waNNa kn0w...i lIke t0 parTy, g0 ouT, drINK...anD drINk...anD drINk....l0l....liKe t0 hAVe fUn wiTH alL mY biTCheS!!...l0l...prETTy eASY-g0inG, fuN, eASy t0 gET al0nG wiTH muTHA fuKA heRE....iF yA wANnA kn0w m0rE b0ut mE, 0r pARTy wiT mE anD mY krEw...leT mE knOW!!!!!g0 0N & hATE mE...iT gIVeS mE m0Re reAS0n t0 bE alL uP in uR nASty fACe, bITCH!!!

My Interests

driNkinG, pARTyinG...l0l....anyTHing n0t b0rinG....

I'd like to meet:

any0nE wh0 liKEs t0 pARty...lol...buT, yEs..reALly..Ha hA


hIp-h0p..teCHNO!!!...tEjAN0...s0mE r0CK...n0rteNo...mARIacHI...i guEsS, anyTHing!...


i'm int0 fUnNy-aSs m0vieS....anYthiNG wITh steVE c0reLl...o00oK!!!!.....l0l...


prACtiCalLy anyTHINg thATs 0n...l0l....



b0okS...hELl0!!...thA's whY thERe'S tV!!!!


evEry0ne iN mY liFe....eSPEciALLy 0uR s0lDIErs iN irAQ...i d0n'T suPp0Rt thE wAr...buT i SUPp0rT ouR tro0pS f0r bEINg 0vEr thERE.....ASSHOLES!!!!...i love my soldier!!!...LIZZY!!!!....love you and always thinking of you!!...be careful, and be safe!!!

My Blog

t0dAy'S iSsUeS

well, here it is.....i was in the hospital Friday night, (early Saturday)....in the Emergency Room....trying to get rid of a pain that seems still to this hour is with me....i was there from about 2:3...
Posted by :\kiNg j03/: on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:35:00 PST

Saturday Night

Oh my god! Saturday night was awesome! Fukin Nora had TWO guys for her!!! LUCKIE!!!!...lol......well, at least one of them did more to me than to her....he unbuttoned my pants and practically touched ...
Posted by :\kiNg j03/: on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:44:00 PST

S.P.I. (Spring Break '06)

Oh, my GOD!!!!! This weekend was fukin' AWESOME!!!!! Wednesday was the first day, we went to a friend's house and drank there, Thursday, I can't remember what we did, neither Friday (lol)....if any of...
Posted by :\kiNg j03/: on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:37:00 PST