dj TranceParEnte profile picture

dj TranceParEnte

now here or nowhere

About Me

La musica esta en el alma de Larisa aka Tranceparente, desde toda la eternidad... Bailarina desde su temprana infancia, tambien criada Yogini, cantando mantras magicos formandose como persona espiritual. Se sientio atraida por la musica Trance a fines de los 90's entonces viajo sola al mundo. En Europa convivio con sus cosmopolitas amigos, donde conocio y aprendio a mezclar con su influyente maestro Nic aka DJ Invisible (US). Los dos posteriormente regresaron a Argentina para vivir en Patagonia donde se hicieron padres de Lucia Delfina. Organizaron y mezclaron en varias fiestas tribales rodeados de bellos seres elementales del bosque... Ella regreso a Buenos Aires, mezclando, dando clases de Yoga y sanando tambien en Europa, Trancoso (Brazil), etc.. Su objetivo es integrar la vibracion de la musica como sanacion junto a la danza, la creatividad y el amor.. redescubriendo la paz que existe detras de nuestros ojos.*********** Music is in Larisa aka Tranceparente soul since all the eternity...Dancer since her early childhood, also, she was grown Yogini, singing magic mantras, forming a spiritual person. She felt very attracted to Trance Music in the end of the 90's, then she traveled alone to the world. She lived with her cosmopolitan friends in Europe where she met and learnt to mix trance music with her influential master Nic aka DJ Invisible (US). They both came back to Argentina to live in Patagonia where they became parents of Lucia Delfina. They organized and mixed trance in many trival parties sorrounded of beautiful elemental beings of the forest.. She came back to Buenos Aires, mixing music, giving Yoga lessons and healing also in Europe, Trancoso (Brazil), etc.. Her goal is to integrate the vibration of music to heal with dancing, creativity and love.. rediscovering peace that exists behind our eyes.*******************************************contact: [email protected]*********************** Tranceparente tiene el agrado de compartir su nuevo proyecto musical GALACTIC LINKERS (( )) como cantante y productora junto a Trebolactiko*Tranceparente is very glad to share her new musical project GALACTIC LINKERS as singer and producer with Trebolactiko (*****Homenaje a Nic aka Dj Invisible (Blue Lighted Whale)**** WE LOVE YOU FOR ALL THE ETERNITY... YOUR MAGIC IS TOO MUCH, EVEN IN THE ASTRAL WORLD YOU KEEP TEACHING TO ME ABOUT THE MUSIC OF THE OCEAN BY WHALES AND DOLPHINS SONGS... THANK YOU SO MUCH TO TEACH ME EVERYTHING, DEAR SPIRITUAL PRINCE: DJ INVISIBLE... I PROMESS YOU TO KEEP HIGH WITH SMILES AND LOVE ...UNIQUE NICO, YOUR SOUL IS ALIVE IN THE AIR THAT WE BREATH, IN THE DANCE THAT WE ENJOY, IN THE MUSIC THAT WE LOVE, IN EVERY CHILD THAT BORN.... LARISA
DAN.ZEN en Conjuros:: FREE PARTY... solo Dan.Zen en Conjuros...*****Line Up:*A.S.M. (El Bolson) *Trebolcatiko *Muvi Panic *Zequedelic *D-MENSION*Vocales: TranceParEnte*Cuencos Tibetanos y Coros: Silvia Canda*Visuales: AngeliniMusic (*Domingo 7 de Septiembre . 20 hs *'Conjuros Bar' El Salvador 5102 esq. Uriarte Palermo Soho (a 2 cuadras de Plaza Serrano):::Entrada Gratuita:::Flyer: A.S.M. ( + AngeliniMusic.. language="javascript"var id="432aca3a1e345e339f35a30c8f65edce";.. .. language="javascript" src=" 339f35a30c8f65edce"..
Este Sabado 20/9/08:::FREE PARTY:::!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 2/8/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: the sound of nature, music of the world, classical music and trance music.

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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

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Posted by dj TranceParEnte on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 08:09:00 PST