All those in favor of Healing the world... And the Person(s) who invented Hackie sack!!
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All types but mostly Jazz, Light classical, Chopin,Dance and Real Hip-Hop
March of the Penguins, Princess Mononoke, Akira, Willow, the Princess Bride, Man on Fire, All Bruce Willis Films, Fight club, Spirited Away,I Heart Huchkabees, All Record of Lodus Wars, Faranheit 911, The New Fist of the North Star Anime, What the Bleep do we know?!, and THOUSANDS of others
no time really... but when i do... ANYTHING on the National geographic channel... I love the documentaries on the Animals and the oceans... stuff like that interests me
Celestine Prophecy books I, II, III, The Alchemist, All Conversation with God books by Neale Donald Walsche, the Davinci Code, How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie.. Prophecy by Sylvia Brown, and all Kama Sutra/ Tantra and Enlightening books...
Jesus.. Yoda.. the Dali .. Ghandi .. Budah... Willow... My self ...Sarah Lee, Bruce Lee(no relation)(maybe) Martin luther and Son, Abraham lincoln, Neale Donald Walsche, and anyone who inspires the good in all people