I am a writer, poet and satirist from California who now lives in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Some of my pieces here were recorded with the Lucid Screaming Group in Los Angeles.
Lucid's Vince Cummings requested a "beat-ish" poem for one of our sessions, which led to my penning "Visions of Wozbrood," which is a tribute to Jack Kerouac and his novel On the Road and to a good friend's interest in UFOs, as well as a look back at some wasted years with a certain music-industry trade magazine. "Jesus Crack," inspired by a peculiar phrase that Lucid's A. Jones heard in a dream, is a sermon against intolerant fundamentalists. "Esmerelda the Indifferent" concerns a fortuneteller who isn't at all worried about your feelings or future. And "Bush's Alphabet 2003" was an attempt to channel the president's childish mind a few months after the invasion of Iraq. The other pieces are fairly self-explanatory.
On these works, I perform most of the vocals, with the exception of those handled by A. Jones or Scott Osgood. V. Cummings and A. Jones provided some of the music, while I created some soundtracks with Apple's GarageBand.
Greetings, Earthlings: JC (Words, Reading, Music).
Firing Squad of Angels: JC (Words), S. Osgood (Reading), A. Jones (Music).
Visions of Wozbrood: JC (Words, Reading), V. Cummings (Music).
Esmerelda the Indifferent: JC (Words, Intro, Music), S. Osgood (Esmerelda).
Jesus Crack: JC (Words, Reading), V. Cummings (Music), Lucid Group (Amens).
Show Me the Money Sutra: JC (Words, Music, Vocals), S. Sanders (Vocals).
Call Me Aboriginal: JC (Words, Reading), V. Cummings and A. Jones (Music).
Big Trouble in Delphi: JC (Words, Reading), V. Cummings (Music).
Press 7 for Rasputin: JC (Words, Reading), V. Cummings (Music).
Bush's Alphabet 2003: JC (Words), A. Jones (George W. Bush).
You can hear my other music at
Gowan .
You can access more of my spoken word and that of my "Lucid" colleages here:
the Lucid Screaming Group
I recently published a novel called "The Big God Network," which mixes science fiction with political satire, and is available on Amazon.com. Chapter excerpts are here: The Big God Network (Excerpts) .