**You cannot privately reach Noah through this account. Please do not send messages with sensitive personal information or questions.
Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the teachings and practices of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, as taught in the Pali Sutras. Our intention is to provide the means for anyone who is interested to learn about these teachings and to provide support for effective practice of the Buddha’s path to freedom.
To further these goals a NEW Dharma Center has been opened in the heart of Los Angeles. The Center @ 4300 Melrose Ave. is a home for our guiding teacher, Noah Levine, to continue his lifelong work and also a place for his students to form a spiritual community, or sangha. The Center is place to go for dharma talks, meditations classes, and a place to practice - but also a community center - a place to build supportive relationships with others on the path.
ATS|BMS is also committed to providing support for all of Noah’s students, worldwide.
If you would like to help support the new non-profit and Dharma Center we are currently looking for monetary donations as well as volunteers to donate time and talent. Please contact us for more information.
Our classes will be expanding greatly over the coming months. Please check back here for schedule updates or go to www.dharmapunx.com and sign up for the mailing list.
We can compare practice to a bottle of medicine a doctor leaves for his patient. On the bottle are written detailed instructions on how to take the medicine, but no matter how many hundreds of times the patient reads the directions, he is bound to die if that is all he does.
Doctors prescribe medicine to eliminate diseases from the body. The Buddha can be considered a doctor prescribing cures for the illnesses of the mind which are found in each one of us, without exception. When you see these illnesses of the mind, does it not make sense to look to the dharma as support, and to meditation as the medicine to cure your illnesses?
So come to 4300 Melrose. Ave in Los Angeles and meditate with us!
•Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM
Guided meditation and dharma talk given by Noah Levine . This class is donation based.
•Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM silent meditation and dharma talk given by Noah Levine . This class is $15 (no one will be turned away for inability to pay).