pumpkin pie profile picture

pumpkin pie

like alabama- but better

About Me

my name is sarah, or sarahlouise

~i heart Long Beach. i miss Long Beach
~i heart Aqaba. i miss Aqaba
~i live with my parents
~i have 3 dogs, theyre all mental
~i love KROQ radio
~i organise EVERYTHING
~i heart fandangle, make it better later, second chance, nex, chase long beach, mr shiraz. immensely
~im a perfectionist and i hate it
~i get very compulsive obsessive over situations
~i know how to get what i want
~with a name like Decepticon what did you expect?
~i frequently have a camera attached to my arm
~i think taboulleh, kiri cheese, falafel, lebaneh, flatbread, hummous & fresh tomatoes is the best breakfast in the world.
~steak, eggs, hash browns and a side of bacon is a close second.
~i want an answer for everything. i like to know how everything works
feeling tremours from earthquakes! books. stockings. LB. road trips. jewelery. music. sweet sage tea. cooking. KROQ. how socks go on either foot. my dogs. shopping. music. my friends. reading. dior, urban decay, mac. the fact that if you stand in the right place by the counter at work and look across the road it says Thomas Cock. movies. flying. long beach. stars. crystals, rocks. painting. flowerbomb perfume. observatory's. organizing everything I can get my hands on. traveling.
tights. chavs. silly little girls. my allergies and intolerances. being ill or feeling crappy or bitchy- all the frigging time. aubergine. coffee or tea. disrespectful kids. when summer isn’t summer. drunks. chinese writing tattoos, unless you can write chinese.
my name..
Hinchliffe, from Hinchcliffe.
hinchcliffe English (Yorkshire): habitational name from a place in West Yorkshire (Holmfirth), so named from an unattested Old English element henge ‘steep’ + Old English clif ‘cliff’.

My Interests

sarah louise sarah louise -- ;


'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

most recently played...

most played last week...

I'd like to meet:

i wanna have dinner with gordon ramsey
i wanna talk the environment with sheryl crow
i wanna go to lunch and shopping with nicole ritchie
i wanna marry carmine giovinazzo (CSI:NY), chris evans (johnny storm) and josh duhamel (transformers) and have their babies
i wanna go shopping with alyssa milano
i wanna hug eric clapton and get him to teach me to play guitar



30 Seconds To Mars, Aimee Mann, Anna Nalick, A Perfect Circle, Avril, Brand New, Chase Long Beach, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Danzig, Dimmu Borgir, Eric Clapton, Fandangle, The Fire Theft, The Ivy, Less Than Jake, Linkin Park, Make It Better Later, MOTOWN, NEX, Nine Inch Nails, NoFX, Rammstein, Reel Big Fish, Sheryl Crow, Sublime,and loads loads more


spot me!




i have many and read many at once, i work in a bookstore. i love atlas' they rock. you can never be bored with an atlas.

My Blog

Slam Dunk 08

    So yeh, that was a laff an a half... snook in... sold some merch for Fandangle and Mr Shiraz, watched Fandangle and Zebrahead (who were both fucking amazing).Sweated my ass off and ...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Mon, 26 May 2008 11:44:00 PST


Create your own Friend Quiz here...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 03:42:00 PST

the op

was ok. i look a bit hamster like on the right but all is finethey didnt removed the cysts cos my body has done such a good job on its on at getting rid of most of them, breaking them down.so yeah. th...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:05:00 PST

Sarah In Long Beach 8

yknow the speed limit in the Disney parking garage was only 14 miles an hour? FOURTEEN no one knows why. v.v.v strange. anyway.now im all weird feelings and dirty laundry cos im back. the past few day...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:32:00 PST

Sarah In Long Beach 7

this happened when i was coming abck from a show in Pamona... listening to the radio at that point was so scary  scary shitif that diesnt work then ...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:56:00 PST

Sarah in Long Beach 6

Weeeeeelllllll.... Disney was fucking brilliant, and California Adventure! woop woop. i bought loads, went on almost every thign adn had an all round brilliant time with Amanda, her Disabeld pass (she...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 05:46:00 PST

Sarah in Long Beach...5.1

i also sat in the bay where Howard Hughes flew his big plane thingy apparently. Bens a great tour guide i just have a shit memory! thought about getting a tattoo but then i realised how much shit id g...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:20:00 PST

Sarah in Long Beach...5

woop, monday, yesterday was amazing. ben picked me up and took me to the Long Beach Aquarium! we had such and amazing time, they had neon fish! woop! tonnes of pics to go up, but maybe when i get home...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 09:34:00 PST

Sarah in Long Beach...4

yo, omg this place is amazing, yesterday Monika and I went to Griffith Park Observatory, it took a while to get there due to crap signposting but it was well worth it when we got there! i held a meteo...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:50:00 PST

Sarah in Long Beach...3

today was ace in so many ways. got up early, went to a video shoot, walked to a liqor store (!) to buy camels (!) on my own (!) from drews house (!) bought a jamba juice (!) ate a CALIFORNIA ROLL IN C...
Posted by pumpkin pie on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 02:18:00 PST