ChRiStY LoO profile picture


shout from kid rock to bubba and bill my heros

About Me

I love my family, although I don't spend enough time with them. I love the concept of my job; I hate the politics of it. I have just a couple of close friends, not because I don't want more, but because I have trouble keeping up with more than that.

Create your own family sticker graphic at

My Interests

Family, friends and me dogs. I still think Sarah Palin is great but this is freaking funny.

I'd like to meet:

God and Willie Nelson. I want to marry Adam Sandler, but he is probably a little young for me.


.. Pink - New Music - More Music Videos


Action/Comedy/No Brainers - I want to be entertained not educated. Secret life of bees makes you cry like a 2 year old with a dirty diaper


Bones-phineas and ferb


Bible-Devotionals, otherwise I don't have timt to read. I'm alot nicer and more ethical if I read a devotional in the morning.


God Mom-Angie-Meadows-the kids and a hoo ray for Bill and Crys on recent accomplishments A Few of My Co-workers, most of all Jeni Everyone who is able to keep their cool, without having serious side affects Single Parents People who are challegened and persevere, physically, mentally, finacially-basically anyone who overcomes Remember Christians are Sinners They are Just Forgiven and Heros are Human Everyone has faults, don't put people on pedestals and they won't fall off

My Blog

Check out my page pet

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Posted by ChRiStY LoO on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 05:42:00 PST

Take a look at this

Posted by ChRiStY LoO on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 05:40:00 PST

Take a look at this

Create your own family sticker graphic at
Posted by ChRiStY LoO on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 05:40:00 PST