There are so many people out in the world and only a few can only know me, why? because I'm in Lakewood and this city is like what .0000000001% of the worlds total area!!! haha, But it doesn't mean I don't go out and meet new people. I like people, people are good, even when they have something to say that's different from what I think or can open me up to new ideas and things. I'll respect what you have to say if I don't agree.
I don't care who you are as long if there isn't too much baggage that comes with that mouth because I JOKE around all the time myself, I'm a joker that likes to laugh and chill. =D Laughter is the key to calm situations down or to just mess around. There are many folks with way too much serious baggage and I try to stay away from them, and I'll be able to judge that when we do actually have a chit chat. Let's see what vibe YOU bring. Remember, can you say: Good Vibes!!
Baby Steps At A Time
AIMers at: Aznb0i02