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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm currently in South Korea teaching english for the year. Keep up todate on the madness on my multiply site - swigowsky.multiply.com.I'm on Multiply too... Click here and join me there!

My Interests

Education, all kids (even the super annoying ones), all types of music, especially blues and classical, latin american studies and international development, progressive causes, environmental issues, sustainable development, spirituality (in large part due to my father), yoga, the outdoors, creepy critters (even coachroaches don't bother me), and many types of exercise minus competitive sports, and sometimes politics.

I'd like to meet:

Tori Amos, Fidel Castro


rachmoninoff, butt rock, b.b king, bob dylan, shakira amongst other latin pop stars, hip hop, hector levoe and all kinds of latin dance music.


texas chainsaw massacre! pumpkin head! attack of the killer tomatoes! big meat eater! i really do love a good and cheesy horror movie.


i really became addicted to so you think you can dance!


I'm currently reading johnny cash's autobiography.


ghandi. mother teresa. hitler. stalin. che guevara. yogananda. many activists, revolutionaries, and inspiring educators. and all the wonderful people that have been positive influences in my life. thank you.