According to an EPA report, paraffin candles give off petrol-carbon soot, which can blacken walls, ceilings and furniture, and contaminate ventilation ductwork in your home, as well as adding potential carcinogens into the air you breathe. Have you ever noticed the black soot that swirls from the paraffin candle as it's burned?
SOY WAX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PARAFFIN WAX
1.Soy wax is biodegradable-environmentally safe!!
2.Made from soy bean which is without a doubt 100% natural !!
3.Doesn't give off nasty carcinogens that could worsen an individuals symptoms associated with breathing-such as asthma!!
4.You can reduce your carbon footprint if you choose soy wax over paraffin wax!!
Even the candles we are so used to burning add to the process of global warming. As little as it may seem, walk into every home in America alone and you will find at least 1 candle.Chances are they are paraffin wax candles..Now add that together!!
Oil costs are getting high! Soy supports American farmers!! Soy wax candles cost more then paraffin wax candles yes, but with knowing the facts and the outcome of changing something as simple as the wax you burn, isn't that much greater!!!! Its worth the world! Take action and be 1 more person to make the change and help make a difference!!
Southern Soy Candles offers you the opportunity to be a Living Light and light up someone's life with a cleaner, healthier alternative to paraffin wax candles.
THANKS ~ Southern Soy Candles ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~