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Create Your Own Countdown
Create Your Own Countdown
you name it, i've probably done it. if i havent? i wanna try it!
Create your own friendquiz here
anybody and everybody!! if you like your own thing, rock on! you like to get freaky? bring it! you think you can party with the big dogs? then lets rock out with our cocks out!
im ecklectic,EVERYTHING is my kinda music!
wow, movies? i love a shit load of movies! XXX, catwoman, mean girls, common ground, there is just too many to name! i have like 175 DVD's, and i love them allTake the quiz:
what type of weed is best for u PICS!
yur hydro u like a strong hashy taste u r popular just like this weed
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
i watch alot of different shows, but my all time faves are: Charmed and Buffy
Harry Potter, Of Human Bondage, Catcher in the Rye, Of mice and Men, pride and predjudice
i have a few that i wont mention ;) you should never meet your heroes, they always end up dissapointing you...