ok well where do i begin, oh b4 i start ignore any spelling mistakes im on a rush coz its early morning, ok ............ im Leanne Higgins, i rep 4 the OLD-MAN Unit alongside 8 Grime artists and another female vocalist aswell as myself,...... i started siging from a young age and was taking singing lessons in secondary school but lazyness got the better of my school life n made me fall off it......my boyfriend (fiancee) is a grime artist (BeeMAN) and said i would make a gd vocalist so off my own back i asked him 2 let me sing on a track n we both worked on 1 called sweet dreams, after a while i was willing 2 flaunt my musical tallent again so forced him 2 let me on another track haha..... The Roadside's Calling is the latest track i have done wich i worked on the topic with my bf n i came up with the hook so he could addapt his bars and content to it....... im looking to do many more tracks and in time maybe work on an album so i WILL keep people informed about whats what, for the time beeing i rep 4 the Unit but if you wanna collab ask me and i MIGHT say yes depending if i have tym n patience haha,........ if you would like 2 discuss music or retrieve previous tracks i have 4 promotional use then add me on, leanne-music123@hotmail.com ................... also add (BeeMAN-www.myspace.com/b2dalee)-(Irrelevant-www.myspace.com
/irrelevant123)-(Ninja-www.myspace.com/blackghost21) n scan top friends 4 more members, thanx 4 spending tym listening n reading i hope u like the music, xxx
P.S <4 Collaberations or any other shit call (0752 8011 514) beeman> haha, safe
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