I began music with a guitar. Near the year of 1998, i discovered computers (Oh my God!) and i learned how to compose with Cubase LE on a Mac lcII, i was fourteen.
Now i’m composing with PCs, since 2005, always on cubase but with more tools detailled bellow. I’m interested by all noise, sound, or music (where is the difference ??) between 20 and 20000 Hertz (especially film OST, Jazz, ***-Hop, Funk, Reggae, Dub, D&B, Breakcore, etc.....).
I’m learning the art of turntablism, who is not easy, and i will try to add this instrument in my next songs.
See you soon on Myspace, or in Lyon!
Software: Cubase SX, Sound Forge, Native Instruments (especially absynth and reacktor) and a lot of other VST(i).
Hardware : Head, Finguers, PC, Sound card, Digital mixer (01V), Synth, DJ mixer and a Turntable.