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****My name is Jessica... I am a graduate of apollo high school,(ClAsS of 06') I enjoy hanging with friends and going shopping and i love to spend time with my family... and my little boy kanee...he is my world...i would not change a day with him for anything..he is such a special lil boy.. I enjoy surfin the net and just hangin with my family and friends.. My BFF is Tiffany, she has always been ther for me and always will be.. she is the best..and i love watching OLTL, its the best soap ever.. Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, just to name a few shows i luv to watch.. I luv and support Kassie DePaiva she is an awesome role model and she is just great all around...and an amazing person...(Luv ya Kassie),and i love her is so awesome and its feel good music...Kassie Rocks...I will always support Kassie no matter what, she is so great with her fans and really down to earth.. I am also a huge fan of Kristen Alderson, she is such a talented young lady.. and many others on one life to live.. Other things that i cant live with out are... CoFfEe, i need at least 2 cups each morning,Jesus Dt.MtDew, Dt. Dr.Pepper, flavored water and vitamin water rule..gum, chocolate, shoppin, movies, my cell phone,ect.. i hate people that judge others, we are all equal, so dont judge, bc u never know what that persons life is like and what they have to go through just to get through the day.a if u wanna know more just ask..*****myspace layout
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