FUN: talkin on the phone, getting my nails and toes done,going shopping(my lyfe),eating italian and chinese food,babysitting,helping my mom,hanging out with my friends,singing,dancing,drawing,AIM,taking pictures,taking showers,vacation,hanging out with my family,flip flops. TV: degrassi,fresh prince of bel air,instant star.laguna beach,the real world. SEASONS: i love a the seasons and winter the most since my birthday is in winter. SPORTS:swimming,basketball,football,volleyball CLOTHING LINES: dolce & gabana,fendi,etc(the list goes on) STORES: american eagle,hollister.wet seal,forever21,jasmin,diva,rave,spencers,aeropaslte,abercrom ie & fitch GUYS:rich guys that can tend to me(money),nice body,good personality,sweet tone of voice,can dress well(looks arent everything unless i tell you your sexy or and cute.(and you dont have to be rich rich just be able to buy me things)
Kis forKind
Iis forImpassioned
Mis forMellow
Iis forInsane
Kis forKinky
Ois forOutrageous
What Does Your Name Mean?
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 94%
Romance - 46%
Self - Control - 36%
Kissing - 34%
Cuddling - 66%
Kinkiness - 62%
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Which dysfunctional Barbie are you?
Sorority Slut Barbie
You're the Tri Sigma whore that every frat loser knows by name. You love your hot pink tube top and your blonde streaks glow in the blacklight at all the frat parties. Chances are you've been on Girls Gone Wild at least once.
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