PaRtyin, dRinKin, HaNgin out with fRieNds... basically anything that sounds fun and not sTressFuL!!! But moSt of aLL spEnding TimE wiTh my cute Puppy... ChaSe! :) I like playin tennis, too! And I love dolphins!
EveRyoNe!!! I'd LiKe To sEE soMe of my oLd fRiends! :)
I don't ReaLLy havE many favoRiTes... I lisTen to aLmost everything! EveRythin sounds good... But I would haVe to say ShaNia Twain's one of my favorites though.
Just to name a few... PreTTy WoMan, 50 FiRst DaTes, The GodFaTheR, LiLo & STiTch, MoNsTers Inc., FinDing Nemo, EuroTrip... I could go on for awhile :)-
I love watching King of the Hill, South Park, Family Guy, CSI Las Vegas, House, and still can't get enough of Friends... still watching the reruns.
Ties that Bind, Ties that Break; Memoirs of a Geisha; Harry Potter books (of course)