here is some of my early video work with computer technology.
I am working on new stuff... you have to wait to see I would liek to wait a few months before I re-amp this site.
I made this-- the music and video :::
be sure your speakers are .. play..and enjoy.
Art to Music
Here is a video, music art thing I made...
You should check out my radio show on WWW.990WBOB.COM
the name of my show is: Liquid Electricity, and my radio name is LUCKASA.
check the site for the schedule to be sure..usually.. Sundays - 11pm... Monday 11pm , tuesday 9pm-1am and fridays- 9pm also.
-- I play techno, trance, hip-hop, world sounds, rock, and much more. A wrold Premier each Sunday.. and I even throw in some of my own music.
I also like to feature a different band each week........................................................
I am Lucas James Xavier Kolasa.
I make music with my computer.. and some other things...
I do all the sound engineering as well.
I seem to get better as time rolls on.I do not sing, so I get other people to do the vocals for me.
Well, the Halloween track.. ok.. that is me.. with lots of crazy effects on the voice *~*
For example...In the song TRIBAL.. i licensed Tibetan Throat Singers..
I have bought the license to a lot of short vocals..
...I am also using a new singer.. Kate Lesing.
The song I have posted on here with her is a practice song..
titled: Time of my Life.
we had to do some songs.. as in this one.. and see if our technology was compatable. It took me a while to work out the kinks.. but I like it. The village people aloud us the rights to us thier lyrics for this purpose.
Currently I am writting the lyrics for 2 CDs which I will have Kate Lesing sing, and I will make the music and do the sound engineering.
-- That will take a while, so in the meantime.. I will be making some more music with Kate L. , using some of her older material...
This will help me get the feel of what I am dealing with and who I am working with.... see we do not work in the same studio at the same time.. but we use the power of modern technology ... to make things happen.
I am very excited about these projects.
I am also working on a project with Willie Nelson.
A peace project. Some of yo umay know about Willie Nelson's Peace Institute.
He and his wife wrote a song called: A Peaceful Solution, which i have the license to use,--they are really kewl people..., I will be making a video for it as well. Then I send it to Willie's team in Hawaii. It will be played around the world over internet and stuff..and written about in special magazines.
I am also involved in a type of peace/friendship Global Culture project ... One of my songs will be used in a compilation CD that is being produced out of Istanbul Turkey. Mursel Isik is in charge of it.
Well, that is all for now I guess.
Waterfire season is over,(that is 100 floating bondfires on the canal, and music played all over the area....-- I did many tasks to help make this run smoothe.. and my favorite was being on the boats that fed the fires)... you may have heard of it,, it was ranked by National Geographic as one of the top places for travels to see.. in the world.
SO.. it is getting colder out,, so most of my time will be spent indoors. I will be working on sculptures, drawings, paintings, a book, and music as well.
In Peace: Lucas James Xavier Kolasa...
aka: Twitchie.. thanks to my new friend *~*
*~* hhaha.. i just had to add that in there quick *~*
In reality.. I do lots of things.
I have easily made over 100-150 songs so far.
I have made countless drawings and paintings,, and tons of sculptures , which I do my best to make environmentally correct, by recycling most of what I use from the trash *~* Turning trash into treasure *~*
I volunteer for Waterfire.. I used to volunteer for the Soup Kitchen,, until it sadly closed.. I also volunteer for the International Peace Conference. It was kewl... I got to hang out with Tibet Monks, and I walked with a man currently walking around the world.
I do tons of stuff... I am no stranger to working grunt jobs and grewling factory jobs too.
I also happen to have a commercial fishing license. *~*
I have been fishing for food since I was about 10.
I started to try out vegetarianism..
It is pretty ok. I am not the best at it.. but I am not actively against it.
any questions.. comments.. or wanna hear or see more of my stuff..
drop me an email on this myspace thing.
that is what it is for.. right?
i like to make friends.. so jsut email me some crazy stories... or something.
************************************** I HAVE THIS IDEA TO END WORLD HUNGER******************************************************
**********************For complete details,, send an me an email or comment and ask... either here on myspace or:
[email protected] ************************************************************
******************this is the short version.. and not really nearly everything,, but enough to make yo urealze how easy it really is....******************************************************
******I will tell you just a tiny bit. 20,000 people die every day due to mal-nutrition.. many are kids around the world.
I thought, as a part of a school project.. kids in america or around the world could all plant 10 food trees in class. Just ten seeds in soil.. and watch it grow. Learn about photosynthesis,, and how to grow a tree. water sunlight.. all that good stuff.. like they teach in science class anyway.. but this is hands on.
then.. after a while.. all the trees are picked up and shipped to a special farm where the trees grow big and the fruit gets harvested and shipped to starving KIDS.
so-- it is kids helping kids.
one apple tree can grow 200 or morea apples.
if a kid plants 10 apple trees, and in 10 years.. those apple trees are growing 200 apples each.. that is 2,000 apples.
how many kdis go to school in the USA?
or the world..
let's say.. for fun.. there are only 100,000 kids in school.
But there are probably more like many millions of kids in school.. so .. let's say.. for fun.. 1 million kids in school.
and they all planted apple trees. with the same equation...
that is 2000 apples per kid in ten years times a million.
2,000,000,000 -- wow.. that is 2 billion apples.
now.. there are 20,000 people dying of mal nutrition...ok.. so.. 273 apples a day times 365 days a year.. that equals 99645 apples in a year. multipled by 20,000 people equals... 1,992,900,000 keep in mind.. the program jsut made 2billion apples.. so 2,000,000,000 minus 1,992,900,000 equals 7,100,000 apples left over.
now.. the question is.. do you think that a starving person can even eat 273 apples a day?
because we jsut figured out a way to give them that many apples.
and remember.. apples can be harvested annually.
that means.. each year.. an additional 2 billion apples..
and with 7,100,000 left over,, that goes to food surplus *~*
so each year.. the world's food surplus increases.
keep in mind.. peopel can't eat 273 apples a day.. so the surplus will be even more..
plus.. there are actually over a million kids in school that could participate in the program.. and actually end world hunger.. instead of spending millions annually,, and miserably failing.
each year.. millions are spent.. and people die every day. 20,000.
this plan costs less than they currently spend,,and is obviously garunteed.
-- and.. apples make.. apple sauce, apple juice, candy apples *~* and apple pie.
plus apple fritters.
so much.. and kids can plant whatever they want. apples, pears, plums... a wide varitey of things.
naturally.. the long version of the plan is more elaborate.. and answers questions of transportation of the food.. where the money comes from.
See the USA grant 450 billion annually... well.. i am sure with less than 10 million the plan could be done co-operatively on a global scale.people need to be interested in solving the problem instead of earning profit based on their suffering..
many companies that accept donations to feed the starving.. they often take 20% sometimes more.. sometimes less..
but many places make big money.. and are really only interested in their profit.
othewise.. they problem would be solved.
see.. if they solve the problem.. then.. they can't make money.. because there is no problem..
in essence.. they can't solve the problem,, cause it puts them out of business.
-- but i am not interested in those evil games..
i jsut want the problem to go away.
i have personally been 5 days without food before.
it hurts.. bad.
in fact.. starvation is one of the most painful ways to die.
in my oppinion.. this starvation is genocide of the poor.. and torture as well.. since.. this plan i have is obviously a solution.. and it has not been used yet.
*~* tell me how is it legal for the USA government to tell farmers not to farm certain land in order for the government to control the price of food when so many cannot afford it they starve to death? it is ILLEGAL.. in the USA as well as the UK.. there is a Law called: CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
-- this is basically involuntary or maybe even voluntary manslaughter.
a Crime against humanity is a crime on its own. it means that a party is aware of their actions and are responsable for what they do, even though it harms others. Well.. death is harm. People all over dying due to mal-nutrition. 20,000 a day globally.. look into the numbers.. it is nearly 5,000 in the USA -- every few weeks.
think about how many people live in your town. then think about how many people died last night due to a problem that can be easily solved.
one day.
i gotta get back to work..
there are more details.. but no time to explain..
I can explain modern irrigation systems, transportation, where the money comes from.. and everything else..
I worked on this for a very long time..
and I am putting it out there in this way now.. because someone may read it,,and know how to make it happen... FAST..
I plan on having this all published.. again.. through a better publishing company.. -- i wrote a short bit about it before,, and won an editor's choice award for it.
yet nothing happened, and that does not satisfy me.
I did not write it to win an award for my ego. not interested in that.
I want to help people live.
so far ..what i have said...
that should be enough for you to be able to fill in the blanks *~* and gives you the opportunity to contact me.. if yo ucan help make it a reality,, and fast..
if not.. fine.. that does not satisfy me.. and I will continue to work to make it happen one day..
*~*In Peace: Lucas James Xavier Kolasa