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I am here for Networking

About Me

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I love the life that God has given me! I used to hate the way I looked, talked, behaved, and just my whole life in general. I always wanted to be someone else. But after I had an electrifying encounter with God, He so radically healed my brokenness, and recreated me to be what He always meant for me to be. Since that time.....from the day that I came to the end of myself.....I have loved being me! No more dissatisfaction, bitterness and discontent. I love my life. I am so grateful to be me. The Me that I was supposed to be all along. What an encounter. What a God. What a relationship!I like funky, trendy clothes, especially shoes and designer handbags....oh yeah!! I like elegant, yet unusual hairstyles. I love looking for the uniqueness and individuality of others. I love to go shopping with my kids. And watch people watch them!I love to sing and pray and write love letters to the Lord in my journal. Watching my husband watch there's an experience. But hearing him preach is even better. I love the way he says my name. He doesn't seem to be a real romantic kind of guy...but it's the way he says's those things that you never grow tired of!I love it when my kids come home to visit and they get up in the morning and ask me to "fix chocolate gravy and biscuits". I get a rush of nostalgia and I'm reminded of when they were many years ago. It's a bittersweet moment. Time stands still....and for just a moment....I see their little faces again. Just little shadowed images of the awesome adults they have become. How can I show them just how much I love them? How much I value our relationship? What an answer to prayer each of them have been in our lives?I love to hear my spiritual daughters' voices on the phone. Pastor Angela?..... And my heart begins to glow. And seeing our spiritual sons overcome the challenges in their lives and grow in sensitivity to the things of God. There's something powerful about a man who weeps because of his Love for God. I love every person that God has brought into our lives and I want to spend the rest of my life pouring out His love to them.I love having hope! Believing, by faith, that the rest of my life WILL BE the best of my life. Having a confidence that I am blessed and highly favored. And not because 'I'm all that' but because 'He's all that!' Because of what Christ has done in me. And because of His special and specific promises for my life.I love speaking an encouraging word into the life of someone who is wounded and bleeding and doesn't know where to turn. And I'll never tire of seeing God's miraculous and life-transforming power at work in people.

My Interests

I love reading, writing, speaking, ministering, international travel, and meeting new people around the world.Riding with my husband on his motocycle is a special joy to me. We have so much fun together on his bike. I don't even care what I look like when I remove my helmet....and that is a miracle!I am interested in everything my children do....they are totally awesome. My son has several thriving businesses and is just amazing and blessed by God in those endeavors. He is a joy to be around...full of life, wisdom, and an unending well of new ideas. (And did I mention that he is totally gorgeous?) My daughter is fabulous in every way...beautiful, tiny, sensitive, talented, and loving. She is a phenomenal hair stylist and also works at a fashion store at a mall as well as being a full time student at the University. She is very focused and I'm so proud of her. I love the moments in life when I get to spend special, individual time with each of them. I have memories that I'll treasure forever. I stand amazed and overwhelmed that my husband and I have been so blessed with beautiful and amazing children and I cherish my relationship with both of them.I love home decorating and if God hadn't called me into ministry, I'm sure I would have been a Home Fashion Designer/Decorator. I love to help friends decorate their new homes or re-decorate their existing ones. We have a blast choosing paint colors, home furnishings and everything else!And I love my cat, Sophie. She was a Christmas present to me from my husband in 2004. She's a registered Siamese and has the most beautiful face and personality. She loves people...and greets everyone who comes through our front door. She is a great hostess!

I'd like to meet:

Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Marilyn Hickey, Darlene Czech, and President Bush.


Hillsongs, Martha Munizzi, Mary Alessi, Isaiah Houghton, Clint Brown, TobyMac and basically all contemporary Christian Music.I really love all classical music, and Michael Buble, Il Divo, and of course, Maroon 5.


End Of The Spear, Gone With The Wind, Pride and Prejudice, Tristan and Isolde, The Notebook and The Ultimate Gift.


TBN, Day Star, HGTV, Fox News Network, American Idol,and Dancing With The Stars.


The Bible, all Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins books, and all books by John Grisham and Nicholas Sparks.


The Lord Jesus Christ, the ultimate Super Hero! Also, my husband, my children, my brother, and all men of God who are faithful to God, their wives and children.I especially admire Christian women of every age, who are bold to share their faith in God without compromise, and who strive to be a light and blessing to others. I am blessed to have many spiritual daughters who are beautiful examples of God's Grace and Love.

My Blog

Life is good when....

Life is good when you turn 51 and you are excited about the rest of your life!  When God continues to bless and expand your future and destiny.  When you see the promises of God coming to pa...
Posted by Angela on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 08:13:00 PST


The 'Christmas and New Years' Holiday Season is a time, more than any other, to become so stressed out that we burn out.This is not God's best for our lives.  At the time we should be enjoyi...
Posted by Angela on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:52:00 PST