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About Me

Heyup. My name's Jim, and, it seems, I was born to travel. So far i've been to Spain (on holiday with me mam and dad), and I'm now in India. And I once went to Calais on a school trip, but i got very sick and ruined the day for most of the people that were nearby.

I wear shorts and tee-shirt mostly. Not too fond of camels. Don't like tourists. Only travellers.
Check out my adventures at .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone from The Wombles, cos they had a good idea and they stuck by it. And the things they could make out of bits of old sweet wrappers was inspiring . . . . .

My Blog

New Episode-Goa Part1

Heyup y'all.Well, I've just put me new episode up me site. And I would luv you all to go and check out all the nutters that I'm meeting in Goa. Stuff to make you go ooooh!
Posted by on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 16:01:00 GMT

Mental in Goa

HeyupWell, those that have followed me travels will know that I’m in Goa checking out all the mad buggers that go there to destroy what’s left of their brains. In some cases there ain&rsqu...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 00:41:00 GMT