aLohA! kEkEz..eRmZ..mE oNli a VeRy sImPLe gIrL.. iF tHiNgS tHaT a WaNa dO n iS nOt gIvEn a cHaNcE, i'LL fIgHt tIlL i GeT iT..hAhz..eRmZ.. nOtHiNg mUcH bOuT mE tHoUgH.. eNjOyZ nItE lIfE, bUt mY mAmA OwAyZ gRoUnd mE..hAhz.. dEn i lOvE sHoPpIng.. oKieZ.. tt'S aLL..
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aNyOnE sO lOnG aS yOu dUn hAvE tRiCkZ uP yOuR sLeEvEszz..
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heY all.. recently jay chow is going to have a movie which aill be release tomolo..(13nov) n heard tt he's onli going to appear for a short short 10minz.. haiz.. btw.. let's hope tt it'll b a veri suc... Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2003 16:49:00 GMT