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♥Mr§ ....i LovE Da FAme dUMb BiTcH!!!

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Myspace Survey *
the ulimate myspace survey
by unknown
001. Name? Kalecia
002. Age? 18...fukkin legal
003. Eye color? dark brown
004. Hair color? black rite now
005. Height? 5'1
006. Country? jamaica
007. Food? gimme some stew chicken
008. Movie? titanic
009. Drink? water
010. Animal? fish
011. Color? yellow
012. Song? like a virgin
013. Sport? soccer!!!
014. Jewel? iuuno i like them all
015. Subject? HISTORY and ENGLISH
016. Best thing that happened to you in the last few years? i graduated from high school and got accepted in to college
017. Do you want to get married? yessir
018. Kids? duh!!!
019. Best place to go on a date? to a resturant...did i mention i love food lol
020. What is your dream? to be da best!!!
021. What do you want to do when you grow up? kill ppl..lol nah i wanna be the best lawyer ever
022. Play an instrument? hellz no
023. Ever danced barefoot in the rain? do i look poor to you
024. Friend you have known the longest? yasheda
025. Best friend(s)? yasheda...steven and lonique
026. Friend that makes you laugh the most? sharyn..lonique...amanda and chippo
027. Friend who you can talk to anything about? yasheda and lonique
028. Friend with the best personality? all them
029. Last friend to call you? yanique
030. Last friend to talk to you? sharyn
031. Last friend you hung out with? yanique
032. Last friend you went to a movie with? lonique
033. Last friend to make you laugh? lonique
034. Most memorable experience with a friend? wen me and yasheda went to disney
035. Anything you plan to do with friends when you get older? yea.....go to st.hughs and burn it dwn lol
036. Any trips planned with friends? yes a beach trip
Opinions/ Thoughts
037. Aborption? i think its wrong
038. Gay rights? i dnt really care about this subject
039. Violence in the media? aint nuttin wrong wid it
040. Micheal Jackson? lol
041. Aids? i think they should cure ppl for free who got this disease
042. Ever travelled anywhere? yessir
043. What country do you want to visit? i visited all the place i wanted to alreadii
044. What state do you want to visit? visited it alreadii
045. Do you want to live in a foriegn country? umm
046. Where do you want to live when you're older? i dnt kno yet
Final Questions.....
047. Do you remember your dreams? sometimes
048. Do you believe that there is such a thing as soulmates? yes
049. Do you believe in love at first sight? hella no
050. What was your favorite childhood toy? my barbie doll
051. Thoughts on life??? i think we should all live it to the fullest cuz we only get 1 life to live
052. If you were stuck on an island who would you want with you? STEVEN!!!!