Judge Mental (www.vinylmeltdown.com) profile picture

Judge Mental (www.vinylmeltdown.com)

About Me

If you don't know, I go by the name of Judge Mental. I'm a part time producer, visual artist, manager, blogger, and promoter. I'm a full time lover of music. I can't live with out it. It is my one true obsession. I run a site called Vinyl Meltdown. Check it out, hit me up, and send me your music.

My Interests


Member Since: 06/02/2008
Band Website: www.vinylmeltdown.com
Band Members: There can only be one Judge Mental.
Hit me on AIM 'JudgeMentalMusic'
Influences: I love music that sounds like it came from outerspace, music that's got incredible drums and bass, music that has soul, music that packs an emotional punch, music that tells stories without having to use words, music that tells stories through words, and music where you can hear the artist's love and passion.

I love that funk, that jazz, that soul, that boom bap, that vocal rhythm, that club shit.

Music speaks to me in a way that nothing else ever has, and probably ever will.
Sounds Like: A lot of stuff. Why should I tell you when you can just listen?
Record Label: Vinyl Meltdown Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Judge Mental - Funk/Soul Sensation Vol. 1

New mix I did just went up on the site. Check it out:http://vinylmeltdown.com/2009/04/judge-mental-funksoul-s ensation-vol-1/peace,-the judge
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 16:52:00 GMT

New Song

Just made this new song. It's weird, it's trippy, it's long, it's not 100% finished, but i like it. Check it out, lemme know how you feel about it.
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:07:00 GMT

MySpace? Really?

Yes, I have a MySpace. Why? Because I fucking felt like it. Damn, back off.
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 15:57:00 GMT