Effondrement profile picture


About Me

EL HUNDIMIENTO, que tu me dejaste, que tu me sembraste...ya no es palpable, fue arrebatado por los superhéroes que vienen a salvarte, en este minuto, en nuestro mundo, es vulnerable, esta es mi culpa y esta es mi cruz...es el tiempo, el peor de los males EL PEOR DE LOS MALES !THE COLLAPSE, which you left your me, that you your me sowed alreadyis not palpable, it was snatched by the superheroes who come to save you, in this minute, in our world, it is vulnerable, this one is my fault and this one is my cross...is the time, the worst of the males THE WORST OF THE HURTS

My Interests


Member Since: 06/02/2008
Band Website: www.purevolume.com/causeandefect
Band Members: Alejandro (guitarra), Mario (guitarra), Diego (bateria), Fabrizio (bajo)
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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