Name: Jiim
Birthday: April 28th, 1990
Birthplace: Queensz!!!
Current Location: Sharons Room ((Sadly))
Eye Color: Blue/Green/Gray
Hair Color: Redish Blonde
Height: 6'0
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right bitch
Your Heritage: im an Irish drunk
The Shoes You Wore Today: Dunks
Your Weakness: Twinkies
Your Fears: when you dive in a pool..and your at the bottom...and it feels like ur out of air before the top..maybe its just me idkk....
Your Perfect Pizza: dominoes or pizza hut bcuz i cant tell the differnce between the 2....
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: getting so shitfaced that i forget my name
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: fuck u
Thoughts First Waking Up: fuck u
Your Best Physical Feature: eyes
Your Bedtime: whenever the sun rises
Your Most Missed Memory: playing baseball with my popsz
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi....and anybody who says coke i'll snap ur neck off and pour pepsi all over your body and hope u burn in a pepsi-like hell
MacDonalds or Burger King: Wendys
Single or Group Dates: single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Arizona bitch!
Chocolate or Vanilla: neither...
Cappuccino or Coffee: Pepsi!
Do you Smoke: yepp...
Do you Swear: im irish...its in our nature..
Do you Shower Daily: hell yeahh...
Have you Been in Love: n/a
Do you want to go to College: i want to but im probably not going to....
Do you want to get Married: we'll see where life takes me
Do you belive in yourself: yeahh
Do you get Motion Sickness: onli in yellow taxis for sum reason.....maybe its the hindu-cherry smell..((cherry cuz of the air freshener))
Do you think you are Attractive: do you think im attractive?
Are you a Health Freak: not reeally...
Do you get along with your Parents: not really....i've boycotted my dad n stepmom and talk to my real mom occasionally...dont live with n e of themm...
Do you like Thunderstorms: hell yeah
Do you play an Instrument: nopee....
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yepp
In the past month have you Smoked: proud of it
In the past month have you been on : this isnt a complete question...???
In the past month have you gone on a Date: nope....stood some1 up tho...:-/
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yepp
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nope
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: in the past 18 years of my life i havent eaten sushi....
In the past month have you been on Stage: nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: in the bathtub....?!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: yeah....
Ever been Drunk: like yu wudnt believe
Ever been called a Tease: somewhat
Ever been Beaten up: sadly....but i beat the shit outa them the following week....haha
Ever Shoplifted: isnt that the same as stealing??
How do you want to Die: im not gona
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: i wana be a fireman!...lmaoo...tru tho
What country would you most like to Visit: Irelandddd.....
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: light color...
Favourite Hair Color: dont really care
Short or Long Hair: either/or
Height: cant be like a fuckin giant but cant be a mouse either....
Weight: not a plumper and not a stick....
Best Clothing Style: i dont really care....""Cuzz When She Butt Naked?! She Dressed To Kiill..""
Number of I have taken: n/a
Number of CDs I own: none
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: 1
Number of things in my Past I Regret: not many