writing poetry, long walks in the park, bike riding, morel mushroom hunting, going to coffee shops, hiking, camping, recycling, watching anime, listening to music, reading, thrift store shopping, studying, blogging, collecting old video games, cooking, baking, making candy, movie marathons, teaching, trying new things, etc. Interests: ancient history, art history, indie rock, brazilian jazz, british humor, chinese food, dark humor, equal rights, ethnic history, exercise, feminism, free spirits, French language, Russian language, German history, hiking, international music, Japanese culture, Langston Hughes, livejournal, mexican food, nintendo ds, phi alpha theta, Russian history, sarcasm, women and gender studies, women's history, wwii history, people who speak their minds
People I haven't heard from in a while, friends from high school, feminists, people who study the Russian language, anime dorks, and/or other European history lovers.
indie rock, alternative, punk, classic rock, world music, latin music, 80's new wave, old school rap, soul, funk, to list all the bands I like would give me carpal tunnel syndrome :P
Joyeux Noel, Pineapple Express, A Very Long Engagement, A Life Less Ordinary, Amelie, Doctor Zhivago, Idiocracy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ocean's 11 (the org. one with Sinatra & Sammy Davis, Jr.), Breakfast at Tiffany's, Labyrinth, Some Like It Hot, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Dark Crystal, Gone With the Wind, The Princess Bride, Life is Beautful, Amadeus, Casablanca, The Shining, The Jerk, The Last Emperor, On the Waterfront, The Corpse Vanishes, Deerhunter, The Doors, Glory, Lucky Number Sleven, Kill Bill 1&2, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Cold Mountain, the list goes on.
Anything on the National Geographic Channel (Best. Channel. Ever.), The Simpsons, Metalocalypse, Family Guy, Futurama, Lost, The Sopranos, Oz, Inuyasha, Mysterious Play, Bleach, Naruto, Lain, Samurai 7, Fruits Basket, Tenchi Muyo!, Death Note, Monster, Sakura Diaries, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Oh! My Goddess, Venture Brothers, Sealab 2021, The Brak Show, The Oblongs, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Summer Snow, Jem, and if you have never heard of some these shows, they are probably an anime series.
Argh, too many to list. I love anything on Russian history, radical movements, and utopian ideals. Strange New World is my favorite book of all time.
Alexandra Kollontai, Al Franken, Klara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Betty Friedan, Isaac Deutscher, Wendy Goldman