West Lothian aLIVE was started in an effort to promote and continue the growth of independant, young and cutting edge music and arts in the West Lothian area.
'aLIVE' is a totally NON-PROFIT making side of our Indiebar organisation that will allow us to get access to more mainstream facilities and potential funding for specialist shows, events, exibitions, printed and online media. Our aim is to help benefit the local music community by:
* Organising some of the biggest and best events in the area and bringing top names to play alongside our own local talent.
* Produce a monthly printed and web based music magazine/fanzine focused on promoting the local music and arts.
* Forming a non profit making record company to release comilations from local artists.
* Sponsoring bands/artists each year and assisting in the various areas of recording, CD release, touring, promotion, EQ, Video etc
The main concept of aLIVE is that absolutely no one takes any money from anything we do under the aLIVE banner - ALL funds raised from its events etc will be returned directly back to the music and arts community through the areas detailed above.
The 2nd part of the organisations launch shows will be the weekend long Summer Festival at the end of July. Once again this will be in association with Indiebar so everyone interested in coming along and seeing some of the TOP local bands please check back soon for lineup and ticket details.