D@T SaLvaDoriAn C@T profile picture

D@T SaLvaDoriAn C@T

I was born and ORIGINAL and neva dieing a COPY........

About Me

Hmmmm where do i start.... well lets start off by saying if you cant tell already ... im 100% Salvadorian n PROUD OF IT!!.. umm im a pretty ez going nigga Ill trust you until you give me a reason not to...n im pretty much into basketball , liftn, workn out, chylln with my freinds going out, parties., girls,... basically doing anything thats fun... I got a good head on my shoulders and im here for freinds n sht... not really lookn for a girl thru myspace lol buh u never knw buh yea yo if you wana know anything else about me jus hit me up on AIM.... at ... nycandle18....wunzzzzzzzzz
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Santiago R. Flores Date of Birth: 6-18-89
Birthplace: New York
Current Location: Point S!de FL
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5' 9''
Heritage: 100% Salvadorian
Song: To many
Movie: To many
TV show: Family Guy
Color: Blue
Food: Italian
Pizza topping: Green Peppers
Ice-Cream Flavor: Cookies N Cream
Drink (alcoholic): Hypnotic
Soda: Sprite
Clothing Brand: Sean John
Shoe Brand: Nike
Season: Any
Month: June
Holiday/Festival: Chirstmas
Make-Up Item: Trojan lol jp umm idk
Board game: Monopoly
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla..(Hate Chocolate)
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sour
Love or money: Money
Phone or in person: Person
Looks or personality: Personality
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: Graduate
Most missed memory: New York
Best physical feature: You tell me
First thought waking up: Dammit!
Sesame street alter ego: Dracula ....(1..2.. smacks lol)
Worst crime: Cant tell lol
Greatest ambition: Be Successfull
Greatest fear: Drowning
Favorite subject: Girls
Strangest received gift: To many
Do You:
Smoke: n/a
Drink: n/a
Curse: Sometimes
Shower daily: Yup
Like thunderstorms: Yup
Dance in the rain: Nope
Play an instrument: Nope
Get along with your parents: Sometimes
Believe in fate: Doubt it
Believe in love at first sight: Doubt it
Can You:
Drive: Yep
Cook: Sometimes
Speak another language: Yes
Dance: Yes
Sing: Nope
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope
Whistle: Yup
Curl your tongue: Yup
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: lol yup
Been Stoned/High: n/a
Eaten Sushi: Hate fish
Been in Love: Nope
Skipped school: Yup lol
Made prank calls: lol yup good times
Stolen something: Dnt member
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Cockyness
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? None
Name three things you can't live without: Music, Fams N Girls
What is the color of your room? White Do you have any siblings? 3 Older Sis's
Do you have any pets? Moms birds
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? hmm
What is you middle name? R....not saying
What are you nicknames? Incondesent candle, Cutie n others
Are you for or against gay marriage? Against
Do you have a crush on anyone? Maybe
Are you afraid of the dark? Nope
How do you want to die? In my sleep
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yup
What is the last law you?ve broken? Speeding lol
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Black, Red, or Blond
Eye color: Exotic
Height Shorter than me
Weight 115-125.. w.e looks best
Most important physical feature: Cute face,.&... nice butt lol
Biggest turn-off Air heads

My Interests

Yea pretty much its BaSkEtBaLl AlL day everyday, workn out, music, chilln with my freinds , doing anythn thats fun such as PARTY! lol & once again FEMALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:


Yea i listen 2 pretty much everythn such as rap, R & B, reggaeton, Bachata, Merungue, Hip Hop ANYTHN, BUT ROCK, OR COUNRTY!!!!!!


I like all types of movies..... no favorite's.... to many


I watch Family Guy, Fresh Prince, and sum other shit w/e on anythn good


JESUS - its all GOOD
