About Me
found this fashion layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com{filter:none !important;}.contactTable .whitetext12 {display:none;} I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
i've known myself as a sweet, reliable and determined.. always a shoulder 2 cry on. can be stubborn, but only toward things worth stressing over. hates conceited, il always put a smile on ur face..hehe.. well, im just a simple girl who loves to have friends.. i can be a charmingly funny without even trying but can also be quite sensitive and i cries easily..
i'm a complicated 21 yr old woman, that needs love, attention, understanding,and most of all..caring..i have alot of likes and dislikes..i tend to be grumpy at times, but most of the time i'm always smiling..im a fun, smart witted person that just loves to socialize..but i also have a serious side, i care about my future, my family, my friends, and my relationship, i'm god fearing...i'm a very approachable person, if you need my help i'll always lend a hand, but take advantage of me then you've just met your worst nightmare...people sometimes get the wrong perceptions about me, but they totally don't know me..i'm a fighter to fight for what is right, i will love to the extent that i can give no more..i'm me...a simple woman...with simple wishes and goals in life...i have a job that pays, a family that cares, a relationship thats strong, and a cute dog that i share my bed with..hehe..i love clothes..as long as it looks good on me..i'll wear it..i loovvveee food...(who doesn't?) anything dats fun to do..u can always count me in..so that's me..i don't know what else to say...i think i've said pretty much everything...if you know more things about me, leave a comment and maybe i can add it to my profile...and tnx so much to everyone thats been there for me, especially to that special someone that's been there since day one..thru my ups and downs..you know who you are...m so lucky to have you in my life..and i'll cherrish every moment that i'm with you.....