In the first class of high school sotos(bass) and sazo(guitars), inspired by their friends(grain of sense) and motivated by their love and lust for music, put their hopes and dreams together and formed a band, called Blasting in Progress!! They started with no music knowledge but with great will and endless hours of practising they made a few steps and day by day enhanced their music. The first live shows left satisfactory impressions and made work even harder. Furthermore, in the first months of 2008 the first demo came up, including two songs. After the recording adam(drums) and vaggelis(vocals) have replaced the old members of the band and Blasting In progress changed to Forever n' a Day. After a while tsili entered FnaD and became the fifth member. The band is now comleted with another guitar and back vocals. Currently Forever n' a Day is on the way to rise ..SPREAD THIS BANNER !
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