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We are an earthen-based group with many mini-groups (congregations)as part of our whole. We follow and endorse nature spiritual paths and earth religions. We know all religious and spirit paths are sacred and hold it’s own form of divine truth. We accept all traditions, paths and religions. Earth spirituality and nature honoring will the foundation of all that is within the circle. Pagan, Aboriginal, Shamanic, Judeo-Christian, Self-designed structured spiritual paths are all welcome.
Each person builds the path they walk for themselves and the intention in which they are here for. We allow people to adjust and change many aspects of activities and events within the circle for themselves and the path they are on. So each year is usually different then the last. Members are allowed and encouraged to take that which is healthy for them and leave that which is not within the circle. We do have a few rules and some guidelines which all members, visitors, and friends of the circle are expected to follow.
We do not usually hold open events to the public. There are some which is open to those who are interested in our group, and several more which welcome friends of the circle. Family is welcome at most gatherings, as well as close friends. A very few may be member only and All Official gatherings will be all-age based. There maybe addition and optional or late night additions to gatherings which may be adult only.
Group Overview: We closed the last couple of years for re-organization and now looking to get recognized as a Religious Organization and get 501 status.
We are people who are motivated to the unity of diversity, people willing to help create a strong community within our circle, our cities, our state and beyond as we grow.Each one of our congregations, covens, and temples are individuals designed around the needs of the members and the foundation of the CES tradition. We do not follow any specific religious tradition unless states by the group, and each ritual is distinctively different because of our ever changing evolution as individuals and as groups. We work usually as groups to create new, able ceremonies and rituals to share. We know each person is a high priestess or high priest of their own path. Each person bring a sense of knowledge, innocence and truth that is meant to be shared to only those they know are worthy of such connection. Our covens, circles, temples and groves are all based within the ideals of community of all. All practices are sacred, all understandings of the divine is sacred, and all energy we give to each is a sacred gift.Our goals are to be a group of support and guidance for those open paganism and earth-based spiritual practices, we do not teach new members how to follow our path, but we do show them how to follow their own paths. We believe all religious and spiritual paths of our members, friends and the community as a whole is sacred and worthy of the same respect as we show towards our own faith and practices.* We strive to keep our Ancestral ways as true to core spirits, within the real world, dream world and mental world.
* We honor the right of other cultures and religions to their own spiritual traditions and customs.
* We strive to promote and preserve the integrity heritage, through the teaching of teacher to student or within a face to face group. We endorse use of music, mythology, dance, literature, art forms and traditional cultural social values.
* We practice a ancestral cultural way of being one with the earth and the energy of the earth. We prefer to call ‘earthen’ as opposed to ‘pagan’ or 'christians'.
* We believe our culture and community is a living, (constantly evolving) tradition the empowers the individualism and creates the tapestry of community through that effort.
* Our spiritual and religious practices are inseparable from our culture. There is no separation between the secular and the sacred. There is no one who can lead someone, but there are knowledge which can be shared to aid someone.
* We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender orientation, or race, religious practices, spiritual enlightenment, and welcome all who seek to reconnect with Earthens and the many paths which we weave through our lifetimes.The Current Board of Directors are:
Mother Preistess: Lady Cloud Dreamer
Acting Father Priest: Byron La Belle
1st Maiden: Star Feather
1st Knight: Cloud StormIf you are interest in the group there will also be a assembly to help the board of directors out and help with the individual congregations/covens of CES.Website:
Telephone: (505) 296-4273.
We are accepting now ONLINE friends of the church, and members for online activities. We are currently updating and making needed changes to our studies and our connection to the groups who have wished to be considered part of the Church of Earth Star or the Earthen Temples. Once all documents and arrangements have been made, online classes, discussions and pen-pals will be made available.
If you specialize in a given tradition and believe you have developed enough to become an aid or adviser of the path you follow, please let us know. We would like to start developing a panel of elders from all noted paths to help in creation of a more diverse and complete foundation of practices and support for each other and those who will cross our paths through this life's journey.
Seasons of the Circle:
November 3rd to February 2nd: This is our winter season. We plan indoor activities and cold weather events for this time period. We know with the holidays come up and people become quite busy. SO many unofficial and social events occur then to help take the stress off and feed back into our energies. Below are some social gathering examples.
Gift wrapping cake and ale: For everyone to bring gifts, card lists, and other holiday to-dos and help wrap, share stories, compare now to then. With warmed ale, and wholesome desserts it is a time to get chores done and build memories with friends.
Bakers by the dozen. The is event is a chance to let everyone get to gather exchange recipes for the holidays, and even to for dishes to be made by the lot of us.
Get a logged along: Let’s is the tree and trim it too. Have a great time to get ideas on how to decorate your home and hearth. Open up the night for candle making, herb tea tasting, floral arrangements, and get tips from those who are skilled at other creative avenues.
Left over feast and feats: Usually during the Mishik Cmarl (Great Sleep Days), Bring all the leftovers and join everyone for a day and night of drumming, dancing, food, games, and of course the stories and lore of the wonders and wearing of the holidays past.
February 3rd to May 2nd: This is our Spring season. We plan to start including a bit more of outdoor activities and start on field trips to various sites. Social gatherings usually will include various activities for the whole family. Below are some social gathering examples:
Animal Wonders: Usually with a trip to the Biopark, Nature Center, or nearby locations for Bird watching, and nature awareness. Dinner included. Mask making, animal shaping and dancing to bring in the powers of the animals from within, to the outside.
Flowing Herbs, and flowers! A chance for those who have gardens, planning a garden and willing to share the blessing with the circle to get us all to join in to help sow the seeds, and add blessings for the a bountiful year.
Starlight, Star Night. Usually toward the last of spring. A quiet circle, vision questing, star gazing, personalizing astronomy, and a over night dream circle.
May 3rd to August 2nd: This is our summer season. We have many outdoor plans during this time. We have morning and night events to avoid the heat of the day. We ask everyone to try to fit in at least a couple of gatherings during this time although with vacations, travel and some business booms during these months. Just please let us know ahead of time if you will not be attending during your personal activities. Some Social events during this time may include:
Chit chatter and Song. Drumming and Musical circles. Soul Singing and bounty and abundance dances will also occur during this time. Come on out and join in.
Camp-a-long Usually we will try to get at least one weekend trip out to the wilderness…or at least away from the city.
Mud-clogs. During the rain of the season, we are blessed to have a chance to go get wet and mucky with MUD. This is a chance to get mucked up with earth with clay gathering, mud formations and best of a mud-ball toss-a-thon.
August 3rd – November 2nd: This is our autumn season. Much of what is outside will start moving back to inside. Picnic, BBQ and harvest related activities occur during this time.