I realised this was far too long so have limited my self to five people:
1. Ewan mcgregor.. always and forever. he can even pull of being a tomatoe!2. David tennant(still brings tears to my eyes)
3. Noel fielding and jullian barrat well actually id prefer to meet vince and howard... just a slight problem of them not being real ( but only together so they count as one)
4. Although i 'support' liverpool most of the arsenal and chelsea team.. but mainly lehmann
5. ooohhhh only one left ok.. lacoste guy, owen wilson, napoleon dynimite guy AND SIMON AMSTELL! (... that is one)
my gap man please.. dont even know his name but my life he was beautiful! and he shopped in gap!!!
MyGen Profile Generator I have one of the worst tastes in music but basicly anything that has a catchy beat i can dance to 80'S MUSIC! and anything that makes me cry (48 songs on my mp3 that can do that)(would you dance if i asked you to dance? making sad cds is my speciality). every song on singstar/dance mat that weve attempted 'no no dont go baby baby pleaseeeeee' its actualy painful to think about! Kasabian and sigur ros
Garden State..again and again! little mermaid brokeback mountain moulin rouge emporers new grove
DOCTOR WHO!!!!! the day today and brasseye the old thursday comedy line up.. smallville and most channel 4/e4 programmes