♥ KoDa F. bAbY♥ profile picture

♥ KoDa F. bAbY♥

♥ I gOt DeSe BoYz StArIn LiKe I oWe DeM sUmThIn♥

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Birthday: SEPTEMBER 30
Birthplace: MIAMI
Current Location: MIAMI
Hair Color: DARK BROWN
Height: 5'7"
Right Handed or Left Handed: RIGHT HANDED
Your Heritage: AMERICAN
The Shoes You Wore Today: NIKE
Your Weakness: DON'T KNO
Your Fears: SNAKES
Your Perfect Pizza: PEPPERONI
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: DO GOOD IN HIGH SCHOOL
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL.....
Thoughts First Waking Up: 10 MORE MINUTES
Your Best Physical Feature: PLAYING SPORTS
Your Bedtime: WHENEVA
Your Most Missed Memory: MIDDLE SCHOOL
Pepsi or Coke: COKE 4~SHO
MacDonalds or Burger King: BOTH ..

I'd like to meet:


Overlapping Text

Get a scroller sign at http://www.ohmyspace.com.com!****Hater's Poem****** As I Lay me down to sleep I ask y them bytches hate on me. Why they smile in my face and hate behind my back. Damn, I swear one of these bytches gon get smacked. I'm on their mind mornin, noon, and night. They turn green with envy when I come into sight. As soon as I walk in the room, whispers start. I hope they don't think they r puttin fear in my heart. I tell em don't hate the player hate the game. Cuz the word constantly comin out everybodies mouth is my name. Some want me, some hate me, but the truth is they all love me cuz they wouldn't spend so much time thinking of me. ( so step yo game up and get like me).. Icon by, PixelMySpace.com
S Serious
H Honorable
A Awesome
K Keen
O Orderly
D Dainty
A Arty
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
what do you look like? M3,MYS3LF,& 1
hair color? BL@CK
eye color? D@RK BR0WN
race? BL@CK
do you wear makeup? N0P3
what does your hair look like? H0W3V3R 1 W@NT 1T 2 B3
lips big/small? B1G
((lets be real)) /guys.. what inch are you?/girls.. what size are them tites? F0R U 2 F1ND 0UT
pick one
pink or blue? BLU3
phone or aim? PH0N3
GUNIT or Murder INC.? G~UN1T
mall or movies? M@LL
chocolate or vanilla? CH0C0L@T3 (4~SH0)
abercrombie&fitch or rocawear? R0C@WE@R
clothes or shoes B0TH
follower or leader? L3@D3R
rap or rock? R@P (@LL D@Y)
50 cent or like...everyone else? I DUNN0
heels or flats? FL@TS
jordans or GUNIT? J0RD@ANS B@BY
method man or redman? R3DM@N
color? BLU3
movie? D@T3 MOV13
song? S@Y G00DBY3
hobbie? T@LK1NG 0N D@ PH0N3
music video? S.3.X
singer/rapper? CHR1S BR0WN
part of the opposite gender's body? CH3ST,L1PS @ND L3GS
magazine or book? G0D D0N'T LYK3 UGLY
About you
full name SH@K0D@ L@SH@UN G1BS0N
birthday S3PT3MB3R 30, 1991
height 5'7"
weight 135
label..prep, jock, geek, thug, hoe, troublemaker, diva, bitch, ect. UMMMMMMMMMM I DUnn0
what are you wearing right now? SH0RTS @ND SH1RT
descibe your room K1ND@ B1G, P1NK @ND WH1TE(BUT G01N 2 CH@NG3)
favorite show W1LD1'N 0UT
what color are your toenails/finger nails N0 C0L0R
what is on your backround? CHR1S BR0WN
do you like someone? N@W 1 G0T @ M@N
if yes who? MY M@N DUH.......
have you done the nasty? N0P3
have you shot a gun? N@W
have you gotten arrested? N@W
have you kissed the same gender as yours? 333LLLL.....H3LL N0
do you agree wit sex before marriage? Y3@H......M@YB3
what is in your cd player right now? 1 G0T @N IP0D
what time do you wake up for school in the morning? W311 N0W 5 0'CL0CK
are you racist? N0
are you athiest? N0
when your in the bath what do you do to pass the time? B@TH3 DUH.......
what do you sleep in? MY P@J@M@S
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? @B0UT 30 M1NUT3S 0R L0NG3R
what color is your bed spread? P1NK @ND WH1T3
how many pilliows do you have F0UR
did you ever have a blankie or a stuff animal? Y3@H SUM3TYM3S
if yes, did it have a name? what was it? N0P3
what do you WANT pierced? MY B3LLY BUTT0N
what kind of tatoo do you want if you want on? and where do you want it? @ CR0SS ON MY @RM
what posters are on your walls? N0N3 R1GHT N0W
how many times a week do you take a shower? 3V3RY D@Y
gay marriage yes or no? D@TS N0T MY LYF3?????????
what word do you used the most? L0L...............
are you a fast typer? N0T D@T F@ST
do you have a kid? H3LL N0.......1M 2 Y0UNG
if yes, how many and what are their names?
if no, how many do you want and and what do you want their names to be? 2 D@ M0ST 1 DUnn0 W2T TH31R N2M3S @R3 G01N 2 B3
do you even want kids??? W3LL N0T R3@LLY
are you gay/lez? H3LLLLLLLLLLLLLL N00000000000
do you have zits on your face? N0P3
are you a hairy person? N@W
what do you put on your food the most (sauce) B@RB3CU3 S@UC3
are you flexible @ L1TTL3 B1T
what would you call your skin conplexion? H3RSH3Y CH0C0L@T3(N0T D@T D@RK)
how many pairs of clothes do you have in your closet? @LOT???????????
how many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? @LOT???????????
how many hats do you have in your closet? N0N3 R3@LLY
was this quiz fun? @ L1TTL3 B1T
are you glad your done wit it? Y3@H!!!!!!!!
whats one thing you would change about yourself? W3LL 1 L0V3 3V3RYTH1NG @B0UT M3!!!!!!!!
whats one thing guys/girls seem most attracted to you? MY B1G B00T@Y 3TC.
do you like hot chocolate? H3LL Y3@H.....



You are so popular, you have your choice of hotties. You can easily charm anyone of your choosing, and you often come home with someone you picked up at the bar. Despite your forward and extraverted nature, you are usually submissive in bed. You like your partner to take the lead and show you all of their little secrets. Sex matches: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... unique


ma frendz
best grl frend BRANDI AND CORTNEY
best guy frend I DONT KNO
best man in da world MY DADDY
person uve known 4evr CORTNEY
person u hate but love AMBER
sluttiest I DONT KNO
uniquest I DONT KNO
ma twin I DONT KNO
hood pplz
blondest TEE~TEE
smartest SHO~SHO
koolest BRITTANY
randomest TYQUESHA
craziest ZACH
biggest ass I DONT KNO
most annoying CIERRA



Lil Wayne - Leather So Soft
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