The Pro-Cracktown Alliance was formed in 2007 as a direct response to the actions of them horrible Buggerboyz who were bringing the good name of Hulls favourite kiddie-fiddlers into disrepute. Incorporating the national union of pederasts, goat-fuckers and housing benefit cheats, as well as a variety of child-murder interest groups, the Pro-Cracktown Alliance serves to further the cause of its members and of infanticide and abuse related pop music in general. The infernal gratings of that crappy, badly mic'd acoustic guitar and the ear-drum-dissolving racket of that harmonica sound almost like music to the ear of the average child molester, who instantly found a common ground with the sinister two-some, and couldn't get enough of their comedy-country stylings. That is, until we decided that we had in fact had enough of their comedy-country stylings, deeming them to be a bunch of dogshit.