They call me ACTION JACKSON!!!! profile picture

They call me ACTION JACKSON!!!!

What a beautiful chocolate man!!!!!

About Me

Yo whatz good? itz bout time I changed it up a lil bit and actually had a pg worth lookin I mean first of all congradulations to me for completin 2 years of college @ Chowan University in Murfreesboro NC. Those of u that don't know where that is don't worry bout it b/c I don't feel like explainin it to u! I am a music major w/ a focus on instrumental performance I also do a lil singin. I like havin fun and chillin out w/ my friends. I also like to go to church b/c God is first in my life. I am very involved in my school even though it can very whack at times b/c it is in the middle of nowhere!......lolWell Imma gon head and leave b4 I bore ya'll but jus B E Z and God Bless!!!! sports layout @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

God, sports, chillin, shopping, eating, sleeping, lifting weights, and just havng fun...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
145 questions you've never answered before!
yeah yeah yeah we know the basics... interests?
what's your favorite machine at the gym?: Bench Press
who is your favorite artist (real art, not music)?: Dunno aint really into paintin
what's your favorite song to listen to while driving?: Snap Your Fingers
what is your favorite board game?: Checkers
why are you going to school?: To be a producer and get that money!!
describe your dream vacation?: To the Bahamas and my boo right at my side!
do you like to cook?: If I could I would!!
favorite kind of cake?: German Chocolate
Your house
what color are your bed sheets?: Blue
what's on the walls of your bedroom?: Posters of my favprite athletes
do you have pictures displayed in your house?: Yes
do you have a pool?: No
do you live by yourself or with your parents?: Live w/ my parents for now
what's your favorite kind of candle to burn?: I dunno
how many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
how many windows are in your living room?: Come to my house and maybe u'll sike I think 2
your time
what time do you go to sleep?: It depends on when I get tired
do you have a job? if so, where?: Yes,don't worry bout all that
do you like it?: Yep
what do you watch on tv?: N e thing that is interesting
what's your favorite thing to do in your free time?: Go out and have fun
do you watch law and order? if not, are you insane?: Yes
what is your favorite thing to do with your friends?: Act a fool
how many books do you read in a week?: None not really a book person
what is your favorite restaurant?: TGI Fridays not really jus wanted to fill in the
what's your favorite thing to eat there?: Bacon Cheeseburger
do you like desserts?: Yes
what's your favorite thing to drink?: Koolaid
what kind of ice cream do you like?: Cookies N Cream
do you like to eat sherbet?: It depends
did you eat your vegetables when you were a kid?: I guess so
what's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten and why did you eat it?: Dunno
Your Computer
what kind of computer do you have?: dell
why did you get that kind?: b/c itz the best
what internet browser do you use?: internet explorer
What's in your bookmarks?: dunno
what website do you go to the most?: myspace,facebook
if you have firefox, do you utilize the tabs?: no
do you have a blog? don't worry, I'm not gonna ask where it is: no
how often do you check your email? and your myspace?: everyday
how often do you change your toothbrush?: every week
how often do you brush your teeth?: In the mornin when I get up and at night when I go to bed
what's in your shower?: Soap,shampoo,conditione,bath and body works etc...
do you use a bar of soap to wash your face?: yes
what's sitting on your bathroom counter?: Personal Hygiene Products
do you put the toilet paper in the holder?: Yes
do you use lotion?: Yes
what kind is it and what does it smell like?: Cocoa Butter and Baby Oil and it smells like heaven
how often do you brush your hair?: All the time!!
how many hairbrushes do you own?: 3 or 4
do you always wash your hands after going to the bathroom?: Yes n e body that doesn't is disgusting!!
do you keep your dirty laundry in a hamper?: Yes
how often do you wash your laundry?: every 2 weeks or so
do you do your own laundry?: Not when I'm home my mom does it God bless her heart!!
where do you buy socks?: the
what's the most expensive thing you ever bought?: some gators
where did you buy it?: I forget
where do you buy your groceries?: Aldi grocery store
what do you wear when you buy your groceries?: Regular Street attire
where did you buy your furniture?: I dunno ask my parents
who is your favorite person to go shopping with?: My mom
what was the last thing you bought?: A pair of kicks
Pictures! (my favorite thing!)
do you like to take pictures?: Yep
describe your favorite picture that you've taken?: My main pic on my profile! Thatz a sexy chocolate brotha!!
do you own a camera?: not at the moment
what kind is it?: none
who is your favorite photographer?: don't have one
describe your favorite picture that someone else took?: ummm ummmm thatz too
what's your favorite thing to take pictures of?: nature and city buildings
do you prefer film or digital?: digital
do you know how to develop your own film?: naw
do you use photoshop or something like it?: nope
do you think I take too many pictures?: nope
if you could take a picture of anything in the world, what would it be?: The Niagra Falls
Random questions I just made up
what's your favorite aisle in walmart?: dunno
if you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?: THe Virgin Islands itz so beautiful there
what's your favorite cereal?: Cinnamon TOast Crunch
what kind of shoes do you wear to work?: The ugliest ones I can jp
what's the meaning behind your screen name?: Long story
what about your myspace name?: Jus wanted to be funny
describe your house?: Beautiful and spacious
what does the outside of your house look like?: Grass and Trees surround the house in the boonies!!
have you ever taken a nap in a hammock?: no
what's the last cd you bought?: TI
do you download music?: Yep
do you have an mp3 player?: Naw
how many songs are on it?: None
how many cds do you own?: Over 100
what's the last music video you watched?: Chris Brown-Gimme that I know thatz old
what's your favorite radio station?: 92Q
how often do you listen to music?: everyday
what's the last song you listened to?: dunno
more random questions
do you wear makeup?: Naw
what's your favorite letter?: Don't have 1
when was the last time you sent someone a post card?: 2 months ago
who was it to and what was on it?: My best friends B-day
Your friends
what makes your best friend so great?: B/c we can talk to each other bout n e thing and understand one another
where was the last place you went with your friends?: To a gospel choir explosion
do you spend more time with your friends than with your family?: Nope neva that
how many close friends do you have?: Not many
are you friends with the people you work with?: Yes
more random questions
what's your worst habit?: Biting my fingernails I know I am tryin to stop leave me
how many credit cards do you have?: 2
do you wear a watch?: yes
what does it look like?: Silver and Gold w/ diamonds
Your cell phone
what's it look like?
how often do you use it?: everyday
do you ever forget it?: nope come on now
do you carry it around in a holder?: naw I used too but I broke it
do you use text message a lot?: yes
how many ringtones have you downloaded on it?: 10
do you set up special ringtones for different people?: yes
who's the first person in your phonebook?: AP
and the last?: Whitney
how many people are in your phonebook?: 2 many to count
do you play games on your phone?: naw
which ones?: none
when was the last time you used your cell phone?: 5 minutes ago
do you give your number out?: yes
does your mom have your cell phone number?: yes
last questions
who do you talk to most online?: Everyone I don't discriminate
would you rather email or write a letter?: email
how often do you get dressed up?: every time I get a chance
tell me something that no one knows?: Don't have n e secrets
have you ever raced scooters at walmart?: no
did you know you can get kicked out for that?: no
what superpower would you want to have for the rest of your life?: I would love to fly thatz y I went bungyjumpin one
when was the last time you were sick?: dunno don't get sick often
who's your favorite comedian?: Bernie Mac
how often do you fill out surveys?: not often
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I'd like to meet:

Whoever wants to meet meoever wants to meet me.


All Kinds...except country and


Friday, John Q, and White Chics

Hosted at


Fresh Prince of Bel Air




Parents and Pastor Julia Williams R.I.P.