Kalaea Christopher was born on April 23, 2007 and left our world on September 8, 2007. Kalaea was our angel on earth. His life was short, but the joy he left behind will endure for all time. Kalaea Christopher was a happy and beautiful baby from the start. He always did things so quickly, laughing for minutes at a time, gazing in his mommy's eyes, watching his sisters play and fight from the comfort of his baby swing, taking long naps on his daddy's chest. He was easily entertained, hardly crying and always smiling. And boy, what an eater, never far from his mommy, constantly eating and gaining weight. His nick name in our family was Fat-boy. He loved his bath time, being on the go, he just soaked everything in and went along for the ride. He had just started playing with his toys and would pick them up with extreme concentration and would stick everything straight in his mouth. What a wonderful baby Kalaea was and in those short months left so many wonderful memories.Kalaea passed away from SIDS. SIDS is the sudden, unexpected death of an infant that remains unexplained after all known and possible causes have been ruled out. It is the number one cause of death for infants one month to one year of age, claiming 4,500+ babies in the United States each year. Historically SIDS has been a mystery, leaving behind devastated families and bewildered physicians.The death of Kalaea has been a devastating loss, one with which our family continues to struggle. In an effort to help us deal with Kalaea’s death, our family has decided to take a proactive step towards ensuring that all infants in our community and beyond survive and thrive. On April 19, 2009 at Wilson Park (Torrance)in honor of what would have been Kalaea’s 2nd birthday, we are hosting the Second Annual Kalaea Christopher Jennings Memorial co-ed Softball tournament to raise funds for SIDS and First Candle a non-profit organization, please take a look at their site www.firstcandle.org : Download Form..