Hello world. We are Fra and Louise, two girls with a big dream.
We both love Babyshambles, Dirty Pretty Things (still) and Yeti so much and they will always have our support, as each one of our four boys, but in these months we've met lots of people that told us the same: how it would be great if they come back together. Well, we are here for you all. It's not a claim, they will do exactly what they'll want, this is only a little page to let them - and the world - know how much they were important to us. To take part in our little 'pacific petition', simply add us as a friend :)
You've taught us, by music and songs, about your Arcadian Dream and we've always believed in it. It changed our lives and is still radicated in our souls, maybe more than ever. Teach us again about it, teach us to live our dreams like you did.
PETE & CARL REUNION - apr 2007
PETE & CARL REUNION - sep 2008
PETE & CARL nme awards - feb 2009
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PETE, CARL & GARY rf - may 2009
"Albion is our vessel, Arcadia is our destination, and our starting point. One needn't have a classical education or a british passport; only imagination. Let it be what your heart desires, but let not your actions or desires infringe upon the liberty of others."
"You know – Arcadia? The realm of the infinity? It's a poet's corner. This is the code by which we live our lives. This is the pact we've sworn all those years ago that turned us all from enemies into companions and wayfarers and travellers on the seas of Albion. It's not a cult or a religion – it's an awareness of your surroundings; you're not gonna force yourself on anyone and, equally, no-one's gonna force themselves on you. And it's about community and pleasure. It came from a whisper through the trees. It came from a crack in the pavement. It can also come when you open a bag of crisps, or when you kick a football against a goalpost. Even if I was winding you up, it would still be true, because Arcadia and the Arcadian Dream is so deep, is so true to our hearts... There have been Arcadian gatherings over the years, but I think the best is yet to come. It can be as powerful as your imagination can allow it to be. But, it can also be as dark and twisted as your soul... Arcadia encompasses the infinite, and that's why it comforts me."
These are your words. This is the dream we still believe in and we'll try to carry it on.
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