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Brown Bear

You should be honored by my lateness...that I would even show up to this fake shit. - Kanyeeze

About Me

I get stoked about the little things in life. be it that stick of gum your buddy gave when you felt your breath was humming, that one wave you waited all day for during a crappy session or that smile from a random girl walking by on the street. try to enjoy it, i have a feeling it will be over all too fast.

My Interests

surfing/wakeboarding/ocean...traveling (surf trips to Barbados in 07', kauai '03 and '06, maui '01 and '02, costa rica '05 and '06, Tonga '05) been to Hong Kong, Mexico, Bermuda and don't forget Lousiville Kentucky and South Carolina. Really want to go to Japan one day and Indo too...reading a ton, dancing with the right girls, art, fashion, and gin and tonics... into too much crap...seriously.

I'd like to meet:

just and genuine people. I admire people who stand up for what they think is right and are passionate about something, be it art, riding waves, working or partying, at least love what you do and do what you love.   
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Reggae of all kinds, Pepper, Slightly Stoopid, Thievery Corporation, sublime, jack johnson, Mellow beats and sometimes even poppy radio shit like all the new bay music.


Recent Movies: 300 is a classic, I love it and Frank Miller. Spiderman 3 was weak.


The Office...dwight is my hero. FUEL TV best surf shows on there. LOST is the best show I've ever witnessed (freckles is my girl) and even Heroes does it for me.


R.I.P. DAVID GEMMEL, (I never knew you but you were the best author I've ever known and your books are perfect.) DRUSS THE LEGEND ENDER'S GAME ALL R.A. SALVATORE BOOKS RAYMOND FIEST'S BOOKS


David Gemmel (author), my Dad and Mom, and DRUSS THE LEGEND...ha