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I am here for Networking

About Me

Find the person you know with -the- most perfect life.
-Close, loving wife of 10+ years.
-Two healthy, happy children.
-A family bond that is ungodly.
-A bond with close and extended realitives that is unheard of.
Break in, and tie these family members up in bondings that can not be broken. Superglue the eyelids of the family members open. A nice slather of CrazyGlu(tm) in the socket, followed by 1 1/2 minutes of holding each lid open should do it.
Have amphetamines (liquid - in both injection form and IV-bags), amyl nitrate, and smelling salts on hand in case one passes out from pain/fear/sorrow.
.In front of the children and father, gang rape the mother/wife. Anal. Vaginal. Slowly slice off a nipple, as well.
.Considering that you'll have all of these people ungaged so they can all hear each other screaming for mercy, place the removed nipple into one of the children's mouths - forcing them to both chew and swallow.
.Begin to take pictures as this goes on. Video would be better.
.Take the oldest of the children, male or female. Violently rape. See to it that this child's superglued eyes are firmly affixed on his/her parents while this goes on. The look of fear in their eyes, and the feeling of helplessness on behalf of the parents will go a long way.
.Be the child male or female, administer amyl nitrate to the father while very kindly lubing up the child's asshole with Astroglide. Give the false sense of hope that, if the father has anal intercourse with his two children - you will let them go. In human desperation to grasp -some- control on this situation, they would (under the correct circumstances) accept. If the family has a small infant or baby, this would work -very- well. 'I'm a sick, sick man. Indulge me of this one fetish, and I'll walk away. You'll never see me again. All I ask is this ---ONE--- thing, and your pain will end.. and your family's pain will end.'
.The other children watch in horror as the father goes through every one of them, the sounds causing the father, mother, and other children to sob.
.The father is now done. Walk to the kitchen. They'll think that you're holding up on your end of the 'deal'. Walk back out of the kitchen wielding a knife. Largest one you can find. Normally, you can find these knives in the wooden knife-block on the kitchen-top. If not, try to find the drawer with forks and other eating items, and see if you can find one in there. If not, use your magical -improv- skills! Butter-knife, crab-meat fork, ice-scream scooper.
.Walk out, much to the dismay of the family.. considering you weren't holding a knife a second ago, as they thought you left. Turn the oldest one over, and violate every oriface with the knife. Slowly at first. Speed up, going deeper within the child. Given the proper pacing, you -should- be able to get half an hour out of one healthy child. Given, this might vary +/- depending on how scared the child is/if you've injected any amphetamines into his/her blood-stream.
.As the child dies, hold it's gasping mouth up to the ear of both mother and father. As it struggles to speak out it's last "I love you.", crush it's windpipe.
.Slice open the child's abdomen, careful not to break anything. Sticking your hands into his/her corpse's chest, begin to stir things up a bit. You're not going for 'liquify', you're more going for 'dislodge'.
.Place various body parts in family member's mouths. Mix and match. If they refuse to swallow, assist them - being careful not to choke them.
.The mother must go next. She's already watched her husband, under force, rape her children - you rape her children - and you kill her eldest. Something simple, yet to the point would be the key here. Crushing the windpipe, followed by a hacksaw beheading would be ideal. Place head in youngest child's lap.
.Now for the youngest. The oldest got off a bit light, so something long and painful would be good. With a torch-lighter, burn both of his/her nipples as deep as you can. The heat of the torch-lighter -should- be enough to more-or-less seal the wound. If not, you lose a few minutes.. though it's not like it matters.
.Let the next 4+ hours consist only of the child's screams. Gag the father, by now his banterings have become both repeating and boring. Make sure you have some throat-spray handy, as your victim may very well begin to have problems screaming after a while. Finally, allow the child to die due to blood-loss. Before death, crush the child's skull, letting the resounding -crack- echo through the father's head.
.Slice father's wrists from wrist to elbow, making the cut at least 1/2 an inch deep. Sure, it seems anticlimatic, but by killing him last, and allowing him to be helpless in this situation - you've done pretty well.
.Remove dick from pants, and apply liberal blood to your penis. Masturbate to ejaculation. You may choose to fuck the severed throat of the mother - this is acceptable.
.Turn off video camera. Make copies. Send to close family, friends, and anyone that would care.
.Save a copy for yourself to masturbate to on a regular basis until you find another family.
.Have a beer for a job well done.

My Blog

what the fuck?

so i come home from picking up my prescription, and 5 minutes later my aunt comes over and says theres something sticking out my tailpipe. i go outside to check and theres a big ball of hair that lo...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 17:06:00 GMT

procrastination owns

Left 100% of my Christmas shopping till today, and did it all within an hour and a half. The malls weren't even busy!!! You're all fucking liars who've been taken in by the media.
Posted by on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 15:30:00 GMT