Jackie :), music, music videos, making movies, jones soda, and anything funny i guess...
spiderman, richard dean anderson (macgyver), pretty much anyone in a band or who likes music, Einstein, and of course, someday to meet Jesus face to face
Ohhh, and I LOVE Unicorns. I wrote a song about their extinction in college once.
geez, a very long list (i have well over 300 cd's). but I'll just list a couple for now.
I love a wide variety of music but it mostly centers around hard punk, so I like everything from alternative rock to hardcore and metal, but a majority of the stuff i like is at least punk influenced
Showbread, Billy Talent, Sum 41, Alkaline Trio, Flogging Molly, Project 86, Destroy the Runner, Explosions in the Sky, Emery, Amberlin, Underoath, Dead Poetic, relient K, POD, MxPx, Blindside, He is Legend, Demon Hunter, As Cities Burn, Pillar, there are so many to mention.....
don't think that I only listen to Tooth and Nail though, cause I don't, but alot of my favorites happen to be with them.
local - The bad thing about local music is that every time I start to like a band, they break up. I like alot of local bands but right now I would just like to tell everyone to check out RISK THE GALLOWS here on myspace. they are some cool dudes with a brand new band that really really rocks.
If any of you ever watched YuGiOh, you have to check out this hilarious series on youtube and dailymotion made by this british kid. (dailmotion has all the episodes, but youtube took some down for copyright).
YGO: The Abridged Series - Episode One
Uploaded by LittleKuriboh
who has time for that..
I like CSI, NOVA, scrubs, my name is earl, Deal or no Deal.
I also like cartoons and stupid shows, like on Adult Swim.