Lady of Roses profile picture

Lady of Roses

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Graphics & Myspace Layouts

I just want a new beginning, preferable with a gentle caring loving man, whose able to share a simple smile with a compassionate heart. I am in a profession which allows me to basically take my own time. I enjoy flyfishing, camping, music, reading, target shooting, and writing poetry. I am low maintenance, can go from levis and a tee to lace and ribbons in 20 mins. I have a sense of humor, emotionally stable, secure and not afraid to show the lady in myself. I have alot of love left to share a smile with. My heart has been damaged, as all hearts have, I have a few pieces left to put into place, yet feel it's time to put some of these pieces back into their place. Someone who isn't in it for the race, but in it for the experience. Want to know more? Just ask....It was best said by Emerson; "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived this, is to have suceeded."
Love our troops, they live for us!!

It's the least we can do, for what our troops our doing for us. They make it possible for us to walk down the street and feel safe, they are brave men that show their devotion by their courageous choice to protect us! None will be forgotten!!

For our Troops!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Best graphics, layouts, and more for your profiles! Click Here! I'd just like to meet a man that knows what he wants and has some idea of how to accomplish it. Someone that can be true to themselves as well as others. Someone who is looking for a special lady to share his life and dreams with, someone that is honest above all, reliable, emotionally stable, someone who knows how to laugh. That's secure, trustworthy, and faithful. A sense of humor would be nice to share, and maybe someone who still has a spark in his heart for a special lady. Someone who doesn't drink alot, and likes to cuddle up with a warm body watching a good movie. Someone who has experience with relationships with not too much baggage would be great. Maybe someone who likes to watch a sunrise the beginning of a new day, or a sunset the perfect ending to a day. Maybe a stroll along a river, watching the water rush over the rocks to signify a fresh start. Someone who's not afraid to reach for my hand and spark my heart. Meeting the love of your life doesn't take one huge step; it takes lots of little steps in the right direction.

Graphics & Myspace Layouts

My Blog


As we walk along our paths of Life,we meet people every day.Most are simply met by chance,while others are sent our way.These become the Special Friends,whose bonds we cannot explain;the ones who unde...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 23:35:00 GMT

This Damn War!!

  March is here and the 23rd is approaching fast, you see, that's when my fiance was KIA, on March 23 in 2003 during a rescue for the 38th Rescue Squad in OIF. It was truly ex...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 18:37:00 GMT

A soldier’s prayer...

Take a man and put him alone, Put him twelve thousand miles from home. Empty his heart of all but blood, Make him live in sand, in mud. This is the life I have to live, This the soul to God I give. Yo...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:50:00 GMT

A "Real Man"

A REAL MAN Current mood: awake Category: Life 1.) A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his Woman first.2.) A REAL MAN raises his kids, not JUST out of pocket either.3.) A REAL MAN supports his ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 20:18:00 GMT