Graphics & Myspace Layouts
I just want a new beginning, preferable with a gentle caring loving man, whose able to share a simple smile with a compassionate heart. I am in a profession which allows me to basically take my own time. I enjoy flyfishing, camping, music, reading, target shooting, and writing poetry. I am low maintenance, can go from levis and a tee to lace and ribbons in 20 mins.
I have a sense of humor, emotionally stable, secure and not afraid to show the lady in myself. I have alot of love left to share a smile with. My heart has been damaged, as all hearts have, I have a few pieces left to put into place, yet feel it's time to put some of these pieces back into their place.
Someone who isn't in it for the race, but in it for the experience. Want to know more? Just ask....It was best said by Emerson; "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived this, is to have suceeded."
Love our troops, they live for us!!
It's the least we can do, for what our troops our doing for us. They make it possible for us to walk down the street and feel safe, they are brave men that show their devotion by their courageous choice to protect us! None will be forgotten!!
For our Troops!!