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About Me

Likes: my job, my friends, boys, bulldogs, my mac, honey mustard, the fact that I don't smoke, vodka sodas with a splash of cran, karaoke, my extremely comfortable bed, Rob&Big, ballet, staying out late, cool people, boots, math, reality tv, watching that really obnoxious trainwreck couple from Real Housewives of NYC social climb, post its, Facebook, Argentina, singing while intoxicated, US weekly, Perez Hilton, Toby Lightman, 80's music, Robyn Bishop liquidation sales..sunday sunday sunday, everything must go!,Dirty south rap, the Ludicras line "watch out for my medallions, my diamonds are reckless, feels like a midget is hangin from my necklace", chicken fingers, anything fried, shrimp and grits, sweet tea, Robyn Bishop memorial sofa bed,St. Simons Island, the beach, Bermuda, spring time, cherry blossoms, jumping into fountains, traveling, "The Game", falling in love, lying on my sofa with nothing to do, Sunday Funday's, Brandy Alexander's, having small boobs but a nice ass, my sweatpants, mint chocolate chip ice cream, long distance relationships, life.Dislikes:getting up early, dates, yellow mustard, jersey chasers, flat heel shoes, annoying people, people who talk too much, not being able to fall asleep, shots, tequila shots, doctors offices, people who park in handicapped spots when they aren't handicapped, golddiggers,scorpions, snakes,stage moms

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God, my great grandmother, Rob & Big, Mini horse & Meaty, Bono, Kelly Wearstler, my future husband, Heidi from the Hills and ask her what she was thinking making that music video.

My Blog

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