My passion is music. With a famous name like mine (last name: Schaefer- but spelled different from that really famous pianoman on Letterman!), how could I resist... Performance, writing & occasionally singing. When I was younger (20 something) I was in college bands playing keyboards. I love to play piano- jazz, rock & classical (classical is my teacher's idea- he's wonderful & it helps with the jazz studies). Also you might catch me at a Karaoke Bar :) Oh, I favor hanging @ Hennessey's Pub downtown to listen & party to Finnegan's Wake....
But, ever since Bruce Willis uttered his belief that being a musician guaranteed one a life of obscurity & poverty in the movie "Blind Date"- I found myself having to get a "real job... In doing so, I discovered my 2nd passion: Wine... I work in the Food & Beverage industry and I'm a "Wino" if you will-lol. I love tasting & finding great wines. I've put together wine lists & coordinated wine maker dinners. Definitely, looking for people that share this passion.