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About Me

Not to sound like a traitor, but I'm moving away from MySpace and will be focusing on Facebook. Come join me there!I started out using Friendster so most of my contacts and profile details are there. I'm from Virginia Beach, but moved to New York to go to NYU and have been here ever since. After 8 years of living in NYC, I will be taking a big step and moving out to the Boroughs (Brooklyn Heights, here I come!)I work in advertising. What else? I love bubble tea, dim sum, Big Macs, and white rice.I have a blog: . You can pretty much learn everything about me there.

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My Interests

Eating out - thanks to my job, only 4 or 5 star restaurants for me during the week and dim sum and bubble tea for the weekends. Shopping - love the sample sales. Movies, music, drinking.


Everything I like seems to get cancelled: Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, Six Feet Under... Also, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Grey's Anatomy, Big Love, Weeds, and like every New Yorker, Sex and the City.


Just finished reading "Kafka on the Shore" by Murakami - surreal, philosphical, and a little creepy, but all at once brilliant - typical Murakami. My other loves: Pablo Neruda, Middlesex, and more that I can't remember.