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About Me

I am a 23 year old graduate of the University of Mobile. I am from the small town of Thomasville, Alabama. I am a very big ALABAMA fan. ROLL TIDE. I have moved back home to Thomasville (I had been in Mobile). I am now engaged to my girlfriend of 6 years, Carmen Avritt. I love her so much!!! I graduated in May of 07. My degree is in Christian Studies. I believe that the Lord is calling me into the Youth Ministry. I am working in a church at Frisco City right now. I love the church, but i especialy love the youth. They are very special to me. If you have any other question just ask. ROLL TIDE. sports layout @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

My fiance!!! haha
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I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the whole Atlanta Braves team or just John Smolts.PROUD MEMBER OF SOUTHWEST ALABAMA'S FAMOUS SOFTBALL TEAM:


I like country, christian, some rock, some pop, and some rap.blueman group

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I love a good scary movie or something to do with sports. I also like Harry Potter.


I love CSI, The O.C., Grey's Anatomy, Nip Tuck, Reba, ESPN, and any other channel that shows sports.


I read the Bible and that is about it. I am trying to start to read more though.